Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:December 7, 2021

Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Request to Amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 141 with a Base Zoning of Mixed Use (MIX) Relating to the Use and Development of Approximately 55.957 Acres Located in the S. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, Generally Located Directly South of State Highway 121 and Directly West of Exchange Parkway; Approximately 8.926 Acres Located in the S. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, Generally Located Directly South of State Highway 121 and Directly East of Exchange Parkway; and Approximately 9.994 Acres Located in the S. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, Generally Located Directly South of State Highway 121 and Directly West of Bending Branch Way. (ZN-091021-0018) [Allen Gateway]


Marc Kurbansade, AICP

Director of Community Development


Planned Development No. 101 - Adopted January, 2007

Planned Development No. 141 - Adopted January 2020

LEGAL NOTICES:Public Hearing Sign - Installed November 24, 2021
Property Owner Notices - Mailed November 24, 2021


The subject property is comprised of three individual non-contiguous tracts. The first tract is generally located at the northwest corner of Ridgeview Drive and Exchange Parkway. The second tract is generally located along east side of Exchange Parkway between Ridgeview Drive and State Highway 121. The third tract is generally located on the south side of State Highway 121 approximately 625 feet east of the intersection of State Highway 121 and Exchange Parkway. To the west of the subject property is Planned Development PD No. 127 Corridor Commercial CC, Planned Development PD No. 127 Multifamily-18 MF-18, and Planned Development PD No. 63 Community Facilities CF. To the south of the subject property is Planned Development PD No. 54 Medium Density Single Family MDSF, Planned Development PD No. 54 Single Family Residential 6 R-6, and Planned Development PD No. 54 Community Facilities CF. To the east of the subject property is Planned Development PD No. 101 Corridor Commercial CC, Planned Development PD No. 135 Corridor Commercial CC. To the north of subject property across State Highway 121 is within the City of McKinney municipal boundaries.


The purpose of this amendment is only to make the following changes to the Development Regulations:

  • Section 2.C., Table 1 - An additional footnote has been added to the table that restricts the construction of only 60 Urban Residential Units within 300 feet of the State Highway 121 service road, provided these are vertically integrated into the mixed-use building proposed for Tract 6A.

  • Section 2.C.3. - New language is being proposed that will allow subsurface parking facilities to extend in to the required setbacks provided landscaping will not be compromised.

  • Section 2.D. - The phasing of Urban Residential Units for Phase 2 is being proposed to be modified. Currently Phase 2 requires issuance of building permits for 100,000 square feet of office and completion of Gateway Forest open space. The proposed change would divide Phase two into separate phases, with the completion of Gateway Forest occurring in Phase 2a and the issuance of building permits for 100,000 square feet of office space occurring in Phase 2b. Phases 3 and 4 would remain unchanged. 
    Note: An attached table provides a summary of the phasing changes proposed.


  • Section 2.D., Table 2 - This proposed change includes the allocation of 400 urban residential units in the Tollway West Character Area and the removal of 400 urban residential units from the Exchange Parkway Character Area. This modification is related to the change in Section 2.C., Table 1, noted above.

  • Section 2.G.1.c. - This paragraph is being removed since it is no longer applicable with the removal of urban residential units from the Exchange Parkway Character Area as noted in Section 2.D., Table 2, above. 

  • Section 3.D. - This minor change explicitly references the Tollway West Character Area and the Ridgeview-Exchange Character Area, since those are the only two character areas with private streets. 

  • Section 3.F. - This new section was added to allow for an alternate asphalt overlay pavement section for the parking lot, as well as permit tree grates to be used in the parking lot. 

  • Section 4.A.2. - This minor change clarifies that one or more Property Owners' Association(s) can be used to meet the requirement of the ALDC.

  • Section 4.H.2. - This change is being done to match the phasing changes proposed in Section 2.D.

  • Section 7.B.2., 7.B.3., and 7.B.16. - This change is being done to accommodate a new Freestanding LED Sign as defined in Section 7.B.16. In order to offset this new sign face area, two off-premise multi-tenant signs and on off-premise district sign are being removed. The new section 7.B.16 provides standards for the new Freestanding LED Sign

  • Section 7.B.17. - This new section permits a new sign type (Ranch Style Entry Sign) not defined nor permitted in the current ordinance.

  • Section 7.B.18. - This new section provides clarification on the permitted monument signs for only the Tollway East Character Area.

  • Appendix 3 - This minor change allows for an amenity center to be permitted as a standalone use in the Tollway West Character Area and Ridgeview-Exchange Character Area.


A copy of a strikeout/underline version of the draft development regulations has been attached to this communication. Additionally, it should be noted that the draft ordinance attached may differ in format only from the ultimate ordinance presented to City Council. 


This request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.


Staff recommends approval.

I move to recommend approval of an ordinance to amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 141, for approximately 74.877 acres of land, as presented.

Property Notification Map
Draft Ordinance
Development Regulations - Strikeout Underline
Urban Residential Phasing Summary