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| | | | | | | | AGENDA DATE: | October 12, 2021 |
| | | | | | | | SUBJECT: | Approve the Coordinating Committee's Recommendations for a Joint Radio System Expenditure for System Changes, Upgrades, Additional Use and Any Other Aspects of the Joint Radio System Pursuant to the Joint Radio System Agreement with the City of Plano to Purchase a Replacement of the Microwave Network that Connects the Various Towers in the Amount of $1,748,353 and Allowing the City of Plano to Retain the City of Allen Annual Disbursements in the Amount of $582,784 from the Subscriber Revenue Fund Under the Joint Radio System Agreement to Fund the City of Allen's One-Third Cost Share of Such Improvements. |
| | | | | | | | STAFF RESOURCE: | Eric Matthews, Information Technology Director |
| | | | | | | | PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: | On September 11, 2018, City Council adopted Resolution number 3603-9-18(R) authorizing an updated Interlocal Agreement between Allen and Plano to operate a Joint Radio Communications System.
On December 8 2009, Council authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with Alcatel-Lucent to fund Allen's portion of a microwave radio network that created the private communication backbone for the Joint Radio System.
On December 8, 2009, City Council adopted Resolution No. 2877-12-09(R) authorizing an Interlocal Agreement between Allen, Plano, Wylie and Murphy for a Joint Radio Communication System.
On May 12, 2009, City Council adopted Resolution No. 2822-5-09(R) authorizing an Interlocal Agreement between Allen and Plano for a Joint Radio Communications System for Municipal Services.
On August 14, 2007, City Council approved the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007. |
| | | | | | | | ACTION PROPOSED: | Approve the Coordinating Committee's Recommendations for a Joint Radio System Expenditure for System Changes, Upgrades, Additional Use and Any Other Aspects of the Joint Radio System Pursuant to the Joint Radio System Agreement with the City of Plano to Purchase a Replacement of the Microwave Network that Connects the Various Towers in the Amount of $1,748,353 and Allowing the City of Plano to Retain the City of Allen Annual Disbursements in the Amount of $582,784 from the Subscriber Revenue Fund Under the Joint Radio System Agreement to Fund the City of Allen's One-Third Cost Share of Such Improvements. |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND
The Joint Radio System, co-owned by the City of Allen, will purchase microwave radios, installation services and five years of maintenance with support from Nokia to support communication on the public safety radio system. An award to Nokia, utilizing the H-GAC cooperative contract HGAC RA-05-21, will be in the estimated amount of $1,748,353. This purchase, if approved, will be funded completely with subscriber revenue from the Joint Radio System. The Cities of Allen and Plano representatives comprise the Joint Radio System's Coordinating Committee, and this committee has reviewed and recommends the proposal from Nokia to replace the microwave radio network.
The microwave system acts as a Motorola radio system backbone, interconnecting radio towers around Collin County to ensure continued access to the radio system as our radio users traverse the service area. The microwave provides high-speed wireless transmission of radio data between towers and also ensures an outage at one tower re-routes traffic to other towers around the interconnected microwave ring in case of power outage or other site-specific outage.
This purchase will provide equipment, installation services and maintenance with support to replace the microwave backbone that provides radio communication for The City of Allen's public safety radios, general government radios, and its Joint Radio System subscribers. This recommendation, if approved, will replace technology that is over 10 years old and will no longer be supported by the manufacturer. In 2009, the City of Allen entered into an agreement with the Cities of Plano, Wylie and Murphy to form the PAWM radio system, which was later renamed to The Joint Radio System, with the City of Plano (2/3rds) and the City of Allen (1/3rd) sharing ownership due to their contributions the project. This Joint Radio System provided public safety radio to these Cities and would later include other neighboring agencies who all contribute monthly subscriber fees that are used to pay expenses associated with operation of the Joint Radio System. This purchase that we are recommending will replace communications equipment that was installed as a part of the original project in 2009.
In accordance to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Plano and the City of Allen for a Joint Radio Communication System for Municipal Services we are proposing this purchase to both of the governing bodies of the respective Cities. As the City of Allen owns one third of the Join Radio System they will contribute that same one third share of the purchase price from their annually distributed subscriber fee revenue in the approximate amount of $582,784. As the City of Plano owns two thirds of the Joint Radio System the remaining two thirds for the purchase price, an approximate $1,165,569, will be paid for from our subscriber fee revenue. If the Joint Radio System does not purchase the microwave radios, installation services and five years maintenance with support, the Joint Radio System would not be able to ensure the continuity of the public safety and general government radio system operation for the City of Allen and all subscribing agencies' first responders.
This microwave communications backbone for the Joint Radio System is separate from the City of Allen microwave network that connects facilities and traffic signals that was replaced in 2017.
| | | | | | | | BUDGETARY IMPACT
The City of Plano will retain Allen's normal share of annual subscriber revenues from the Joint Radio System until the approximate payback of Allen's 1/3 project cost of $582,784.38 is withheld. Allen receives approximately $200,000 each year from the Joint System's subscriber revenues, so it is expected to take around three years of retained payments to complete Allen's obligation.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Coordinating Committee's recommendations for a Joint Radio System Expenditure for system changes, upgrades, additional use and any other aspects of the Joint Radio System pursuant to the Joint Radio System Agreement with the City of Plano to purchase a replacement of the microwave network that connects the various towers in the amount of $1,748,353 and allowing the City of Plano to retain the City of Allen annual disbursements in the amount of $582,784 from the Subscriber Revenue Fund under the Joint Radio System Agreement to fund the City of Allen's one-third cost share of such improvements.
| | | | | | | | MOTION
I make a motion to approve the Coordinating Committee's recommendations for a Joint Radio System Expenditure for system changes, upgrades, additional use and any other aspects of the Joint Radio System pursuant to the Joint Radio System Agreement with the City of Plano to purchase a replacement of the microwave network that connects the various towers in the amount of $1,748,353 and allowing the City of Plano to retain the City of Allen annual disbursements in the amount of $582,784 from the Subscriber Revenue Fund under the Joint Radio System Agreement to fund the City of Allen's one-third cost share of such improvements.