Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:September 14, 2021

Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Change the Zoning of Lot 1C, Block 1, Enterprises Addition No. 2 from Light Industrial "LI" to Heavy Industrial "HI", Generally Located East of Enterprise Boulevard and South of Bethany Drive, and Commonly Known as 915 Enterprise Boulevard. [Link Logistics]

STAFF RESOURCE:Hayley Angel, Planning Manager

On September 7, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5 in favor (Commissioners Trahan, Metevier, Ogrizovich, Shaikh, and Smiddy) and 0 opposed to recommend approval of the request.


Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Change the Zoning of Lot 1C, Block 1, Enterprises Addition No. 2 from Light Industrial "LI" to Heavy Industrial "HI", Generally Located East of Enterprise Boulevard and South of Bethany Drive, and Commonly Known as 915 Enterprise Boulevard. [Link Logistics]


The property is located south of Bethany Drive and directly east of Enterprise Boulevard. All surrounding properties are zoned Light Industrial.


The subject property is approximately 13.894± acres and is currently zoned Light Industrial. The property has been developed and in operation since approximately 1997. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to Heavy Industrial to permit more intense industrial uses.


To evaluate this request, staff began by reviewing the Future Land Use Map. The Future Land Use Map, adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan, designates this area as Light Industrial/Technology (I). Light Industrial/Technology focuses on major employment centers with light industrial, distribution, and assembly uses. The Comprehensive Plan also states that the developments should be separated and buffered from residential areas. Acceptable zoning districts include Light Industrial, Heavy Industrial, and Industrial Technology. The applicant's request is compatible with the Future Land Use Map.


The Comprehensive Plan emphasizes that industrial uses should have a buffer from residential areas, either through distance or transitional uses. The subject property is completely surrounded by Light Industrial zoning districts with either U.S. Highway 75 or the commercial zoning districts on Greenville Avenue serving as a transition to residential. The property is well buffered from land uses that are incompatible with uses as permitted in the Heavy Industrial zoning district.


In addition to all federal and state requirements, potential users on the site are required to be compliant with the Allen Land Development Code (ALDC). Section 7.08 "Performance Standards" of the ALDC regulates noise, noxious matter, vibration, smoke and particulate matter, and waste materials. The ALDC also regulates screening of mechanical equipment, location and screening of loading areas, outdoor storage, and many other aspects of development that may be of concern with industrial uses.


Staff finds that this proposal is compliant with the Comprehensive Plan and surrounding land uses. Staff is in support of this request.


On September 7, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request.




Public Hearing Notices - August 27, 2021

Public Hearing Sign - August 27, 2021

Newspaper Notice - August 26, 2021


Staff recommends approval.

I make a motion to adopt Ordinance No. __________ to rezone Lot 1C, Block 1, Enterprises Addition No. 2 from Light Industrial to Heavy Industrial, as presented.

Property Notification Map
Draft Minutes of the September 7, 2021 P&Z Meeting