Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:September 28, 2021

Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 134A with a Base Zoning of Mixed Use for Blocks A through N and Block X, The Farm is Generally Located at the Southeast Corner of the Intersection of State Highway 121 and Alma Drive. (The Farm)


Marc Kurbansade, Community Development Director


Planned Development No. 72 - Approved October, 1986

Planned Development No. 72 - Approved October, 1998

Planned Development No. 72 - Approved March, 2005

Planned Development No. 134 - Approved January 2018

Planned Development No. 134A - Approved July 13, 2020


On September 7, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 in favor (Commissioners Trahan, Metevier, Shaikh, and Smiddy), 0 opposed, and 1 recusal (Commissioner Ogrizovich) to recommend approval of the request.


Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 134A with a Base Zoning of Mixed Use for Blocks A through N and Block X, The Farm is Generally Located at the Southeast Corner of the Intersection of State Highway 121 and Alma Drive. (The Farm)


The subject property is comprised of 22 individual platted lots and is generally located at the southeast corner of State Highway 121 and Alma Drive. The property to the north (across State Highway 121) is in the City of McKinney. The property to the west (across Alma Drive) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 142 Mixed-Use (commonly know as The Avenue). The property to the south (across Ridgeview Drive) is zoned Planned Development No. 72  with a base zoning district of Single-Family Residential R-5. The property to the east is zoned Agriculture Open Space.


The subject property currently retains a zoning designation of Planned Development No. 134A with a base zoning district of Mixed-Use. This planned development, commonly referred to as The Farm, received approval of a Planned Development Amendment on July 14, 2020.


This request is only to modify the Development Regulations for the purpose of the following:

  • Currently, there is not a minimum building frontage requirement for lots in the Central District that have open space along a Primary Street. This is being modified to also include a Secondary Street.
  • The minimum block length in the Tollway Character District is being requested to increase from 600 feet to 700 feet. 
  • Flexibility in the regulations is being added for the location of vehicular access points along primary or secondary streets. The proposed standard will also include the necessary regulations pertaining to sight distance and visibility from these access points.
  • Flexibility in the regulations for the orientation of parking garages is being proposed. Currently, only the "short" edge of a parking garage can face a Primary Street. The proposed modifications will allow for the long edges of a parking garage to face a street, provided one side is buffered by a building and the other by an open space with a minimum width of 35 feet. 
  • A modification regarding the designation of a Primary Façade is being proposed, as well as the calculation and requirements for transparency. This modification is being proposed to accommodate structures that are located on blocks with three or more sides on a Primary Street, and within the Central District.
  • A modification to transparency requirements for single-story buildings in the Central District is being proposed. This change should permit a reduction in window transparency from what is currently permitted as well as all for certain wall openings to be included in this determination.
  • Climate controlled interior corridors are required on all urban residential buildings. The proposed modification in this instance is to allow for exterior access for smaller scale residential buildings (less than 30 units in the building).
  • A modification to permit fencing or low walls (not to exceed four feet in height) in the front yard of townhomes.
  • Flexibility in the location of street trees for all Districts is being proposed.
  • The current light standards are strongly prescribed. The proposed modifications allow for flexibility in location and types of fixtures, as long as adequate coverage is provided.


This request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee. The request is in general conformance with the future land use map in the adopted Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the surrounding uses.


On September 7, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request.




Public Hearing Sign - August 27, 2021

Public Hearing Notice - August 27, 2021 

Newspaper Notice - September 9, 2021


Staff recommends approval.


I make a motion to adopt Ordinance No. _____________ to amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development PD No. 134A with a Base Zoning District of Mixed Use for Blocks A through N, and Block X, located at the southeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 121 and Alma Drive, as presented.

Property Notification Map
Draft Minutes for the September 7, 2021 Planning and Zoning Meeting