Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:AugustĀ 3, 2021

Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Request to Amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 58 with a Base Zoning of Shopping Center and to Adopt a Zoning Exhibit, Concept Plan, and Elevations for Lots 6A and 6B, Block A, CLA Allen Addition; Generally Located at the Northeastern Corner of the Intersection of Exchange Parkway and U.S. Highway 75. (ZN-060421-0005) [Exchange Business Center]


Hayley Angel, AICP

Planning Manager


Planned Development No. 58 - Approved March, 1996

Planned Development No. 58 - Approved October, 2014

Final Plat - Approved July, 2015


Property Hearing Sign - Installed July 23, 2021

Property Owner Notices - Mailed July 23, 2021



The property is located directly east of U.S. Highway 75 and north of Exchange Parkway. The properties to the north and east are zoned Planned Development No. 58 (PD-58) with a base zoning of Shopping Center (SC). The properties to the south (across Exchange Parkway) are zoned Planned Development No. 21 with a base zoning of Garden Office. The properties to the east (across U.S. Highway 75) are zoned Planned Development No. 54 with a base zoning of Corridor Commercial.


The property is currently zoned PD-58 with a base zoning of SC. The applicant is requesting to amend the Concept Plan and development regulations to allow the development of office-showroom/warehouse and office uses.


The subject property is comprised of three proposed lots. The applicant is proposing to subdivide Lot 6B into two lots. These two lots are shown as Lot 6B-1 and 6B-2 on the Concept Plan. Lot 6A is approximately 3.636± acres with a 43,861± square foot building for an office-showroom/warehouse use. Lot 6B-1 is approximately 1.083± acres with a 10,664± building with office and storage. Lot 6B-2 is approximately 1.092± acres with a 10,607± building with office and storage. 


The development regulations include a modification to the definition of office-showroom/warehouse. Currently, the Allen Land Development Code stipulates that an office-showroom/warehouse use must have a minimum of 75% of the total floor area dedicated to storage and warehousing not accessible to the general public. The proposed regulations decrease the minimum amount of total floor area dedicated to storage and warehousing to 50%. As the Building and Parking Summary shows, this allows more floor area to be dedicated to office uses on Lot 6A.


There is a total of five access points into the development -- four through Fire Lane, Access, and Utility easements on adjacent properties and one through Exchange Parkway. The concept plan shows a proposed deceleration lane on Exchange Parkway to be constructed and completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy of any building on the property.


On Lot 6A, the building elevations show an approximately 40-foot-tall masonry building with concrete tilt wall as the primary building material. On Lots 6B-1 and 6B-2, the building elevations show two approximately 25-foot-tall buildings with concrete tilt wall as the primary building material. While building materials cannot be regulated by the proposed ordinance, these materials are shown for illustrative purposes.

The development regulations include the permitted uses and traffic improvements.


This request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee. The request is in general conformance with the future land use map in the adopted Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the surrounding uses.


Staff recommends approval.

I move to recommend approval of the request to amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 58 with a base zoning of Shopping Center and to adopt a concept Plan and Building elevations for Lots 6A and 6B, CLA Allen Addition, as presented.

Property Notification Map
Draft Ordinance