Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:November 10, 2020

Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Change the Zoning of Lot 1, Block A, Myers Estate from Agricultural-Open Space "AO" to Single-Family Residential "R-2", Generally Located at the Northeastern Corner of the Intersection of Malone Road and High Point Drive, and Commonly Known as 405 S. Malone Road. [Myers Estate]


Hayley Angel, Senior Planner


Recognition of Inclusion in City - Approved August 2019


On October 20, 2020, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5 in favor (Commissioners Trahan, Metevier, Burkhardt, Shaikh, and Smiddy) and 1 opposed (Commissioner Platt) to recommend approval of the request.


Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Change the Zoning of Lot 1, Block A, Myers Estate from Agricultural-Open Space "AO" to Single-Family Residential "R-2", Generally Located at the Northeastern Corner of the Intersection of Malone Road and High Point Drive, and Commonly Known as 405 S. Malone Road. [Myers Estate]


The property is located at the northeastern corner of the intersection of Malone Road and High Point Drive. The properties to the north, east, and south (across High Point Drive) are zoned Agricultural-Open Space AO. The property to the west (across Malone Road) is zoned Planned Development No. 2 Community Facilities CF.

The subject property is approximately 1.88± acres and is currently zoned Agricultural-Open Space AO. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to Single-Family Residential R-2. 


The property has been functionally recognized as part of the City since 1985; though through an error in the initial annexation ordinance, it was formally recognized as part of the City of Allen in 2019. When property is annexed into the City, it holds the zoning district Agricultural-Open Space "AO" until the City Council adopts an ordinance changing the zoning district. The applicant is pursuing the zoning change from this initial designation to Single-Family Residential R-2. This zoning district would permit a minimum lot area of 18,000 square feet, a minimum lot width of 100 feet, and a maximum lot coverage of 35%.


To evaluate this request, staff reviewed the Future Land Use Map and the surrounding properties. The Future Land Use Map, adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan, designates this area as Suburban Residential (SR). Suburban Residential focuses on single-family detached land uses at a density of one to five units per acre. Acceptable zoning districts include the majority of single-family zoning districts, including Single-Family Residential R-2. The surrounding properties also fall into the land use classification of Suburban Residential, ranging from Single-Family Residential R-2 to Single-Family Residential R-5. Staff has determined that the request is compatible with both the Future Land Use Map and the surrounding properties.


Staff has reviewed the request.

On October 20, 2020, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request.




Public Hearing Sign - October 9, 2020

Public Hearing Letters - October 9, 2020

Newspaper Notice - October 22, 2020


Staff recommends approval.


I make a motion to adopt Ordinance No. _________ to rezone approximately 1.88± acres of land, generally located at the northeastern corner of the intersection of High Point Drive and Malone Road, to Single-Family Residential R-2.

Property Notification Map
Draft Minutes of the October 20, 2020 P&Z Meeting