Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:AugustĀ 11, 2020
SUBJECT:Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Dynamic Engineering Consultants for Engineering Services for the Ridgeview Drive (Alma to Watters Branch Creek) and Alma Drive (Ridgeview to SH 121) Roadway Improvement Project in the Amount of $129,490.
STAFF RESOURCE:Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering
ACTION PROPOSED:Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Dynamic Engineering Consultants for Engineering Services for the Ridgeview Drive (Alma to Watters Branch Creek) and Alma Drive (Ridgeview to SH 121) Roadway Improvement Project in the Amount of $129,490.


The Ridgeview Drive and Alma Drive roadways are major thoroughfares through the City of Allen. Both roadways are identified as M6D on the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan as well as Collin County's Master Thoroughfare Plans, wherein the M6D designation means the roadways are intended to be six-lanes wide with a median (separating the three-lanes in each direction).


Mixed-Use Developments, such as The Farm and The Avenue, north of the Alma Road and Ridgeview Drive intersection, have been progressing through the planning process toward breaking-ground.  Roadway improvements on Alma Road, and Ridgeview Drive will be needed to accommodate the increased traffic demands these developments will bring. 


In their present form, Alma Drive and Ridgeview Drive are incomplete as follows:


Alma, from Ridgeview to SH121, is missing the outermost lanes, and does not have curb and gutter or modern drainage (inlets and storm pipe).


Ridgeview, from Watters Branch Creek Bridge to Alma, is missing the northern-half of the roadway, currently carrying both directions of traffic on two lanes.


This Professional Services Contract will provide full plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E), for two additional lanes of Alma Road (one northbound and one southbound), between Ridgeview Drive and SH121.  Each lane will be added to the outside edge of the current roadway (bordering the future "Avenue" and "Farm" Projects). Two westbound lanes for Ridgeview Drive will also be designed, between Alma Drive and the Watters Branch Creek Bridge (bordering the "Farm" Development Project).  The total project cost for improvements to both roadways is estimated at $3 million.


Using the same engineer, the developer will be funding and designing right-hand turn lanes, left-turn lanes, and new median openings to serve their development and further enhance mobility.


This contract will be funded with impact fees.  The total project construction will be funded using a variety of sources - Impact Fees, General Obligation Bonds, and Collin County Bond Funds (50% match) set aside for this project.  From the last Collin County Bond Election, the City of Allen still has $1 million in Collin County Bonds allocated for use in the improvement of Alma Drive (at a 50/50 partnership rate).  At the time of construction award, when construction costs are known, a more detailed budget will be proposed with that Council action item.


Staff recommends that Council Authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Dynamic Engineering Consultants for engineering services for the Ridgeview Drive (Alma to Watters Branch Creek) and Alma Drive (Ridgeview to SH 121) Roadway Improvement Project in the Amount of $129,490.


I make a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Dynamic Engineering Consultants for engineering services for the Ridgeview Drive (Alma to Watters Branch Creek) and Alma Drive (Ridgeview to SH 121) Roadway Improvement Project in the Amount of $129,490.

Location Map
Professional Services Contract