Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:July 28, 2020

Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9, 'Motor Vehicles and Traffic', Amending the Maximum Prima Facie Speed Limit on Segments of Bending Branch and Allen Commerce Parkway.


Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering


Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9, 'Motor Vehicles and Traffic', Amending the Maximum Prima Facie Speed Limit on Segments of Bending Branch and Allen Commerce Parkway.


Engineering and traffic studies were completed by the Engineering Department for the following segments of roadways. The 85th percentile speed, sight distance, roadway geometry, crash history, and side friction are part of the considerations. The following recommended speed limits are based on those investigations by the City's Traffic Engineer.


Bending Branch:

Segment between Ridgeview Drive and State Highway 121 Service Road - 30 mph

Bending Branch was recently constructed as a collector connection between Ridgeview drive and the State Highway 121 (Sam Rayburn Tollway) Service Road. Traffic volume is anticipated to increase with ongoing development in the area, the 85th percentile speed of drivers on the roadway was measured near 30 mph, and 30 mph is a prudent and reasonable speed limit for this collector roadway.


Allen Commerce Parkway:

Between Chelsea Boulevard and US 75 Service Road- 40 mph

This existing collector has been unsigned and utilizing the default prima facie speed limit of 30 mph for years.  Recently, a speed study was conducted and determined that speed limit is too low.  Measured speeds of drivers along the roadway justify increasing the speed limit at 40 mph and signs will be installed to alert the public.


New signage on Bending Branch Way will be installed by Collin College Technical Campus. Therefore, there is no budgetary impact associated with Bending Branch Way, aside from ongoing maintenance in future years. The funds for installation of the new signage on Allen Commerce Parkway will be absorbed within the Traffic Division of the Engineering Department operating budget.


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9, 'Motor Vehicles and Traffic', amending the maximum prima facie speed limit on Segments of Bending Branch and Allen Commerce Parkway.


I make a motion to adopt Ordinance No.____________ amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9, 'Motor Vehicles and Traffic', amending the maximum prima facie speed limit on the on segments of Bending Branch and Allen Commerce Parkway.

Location Map