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| | | | | | | | AGENDA DATE: | July 14, 2020 |
| | | | | | | | SUBJECT: | Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development PD No. 134 Mixed Use, Adopting a Zoning Exhibit, Schedule of Uses, Regulating Plan, Open Space Plan, Street Plan, Street Cross Sections, Driveway Plan, West Lake Park Conceptual Plan, Lot Plan, and Ridgeview Parkway Cross Section for an Approximately 135.35± Acre Tract of Land Located in the J. W. Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 705; J. W. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 762; and John Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 718 and Generally Located at the Southeastern Corner of the Intersection of State Highway 121 and Alma Drive. |
| | | | | | | | STAFF RESOURCE: | Marc Kurbansade, Director of Community Development |
| | | | | | | | PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: | Planned Development No. 72 - Approved October, 1986
Planned Development No. 72 - Approved October, 1998
Planned Development No. 72 - Approved March, 2005
Planned Development No. 134 - Approved January 2018 |
| | | | | | | | BOARD / COMMISSION ACTION: | On June 2, 2020, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5 in favor (Commissioners Trahan, Platt, Orr, Metevier, and Shaikh), 1 opposed (Commissioner Autrey), and 1 recusal (Commissioner Ogrizovich) to recommend approval of the request with the following conditions: (1) Section 3.D.1.B should be modified to include all or part of the West Lake Park conceptual plan be constructed as part of the 2nd Phase of the urban residential development; and (2) Section 6.E.2 be stricken from the development regulations. |
| | | | | | | | ACTION PROPOSED: | Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development PD No. 134 Mixed Use, Adopting a Zoning Exhibit, Schedule of Uses, Regulating Plan, Open Space Plan, Street Plan, Street Cross Sections, Driveway Plan, West Lake Park Conceptual Plan, Lot Plan, and Ridgeview Parkway Cross Section for an Approximately 135.35± Acre Tract of Land Located in the J. W. Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 705; J. W. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 762; and John Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 718 and Generally Located at the Southeastern Corner of the Intersection of State Highway 121 and Alma Drive. |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND
The subject property is comprised of one contiguous tract, generally located at the northeast corner of Alma Drive and Ridgeview Drive. The property to the north (across State Highway 121) is in the City of McKinney. The property to the west (across Alma Drive) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 142 Mixed-Use MIX (aka The Avenue). To the south (across Ridgeview Drive), the property is zoned Planned Development No. 72 Single-Family Residential R-5. The property to the east is zoned Agriculture Open Space AO.
The subject property currently retains a zoning designation of Planned Development No.134 Mixed-Use MIX. This planned development (fka The Strand was approved by City Council on January 9, 2018). While the property still retains the same ownership during the aforementioned recent zoning approval, a different development team is pursuing modifications to the property's zoning entitlements.
Much inline with the prior zoning approval, the applicant is still proposing to develop an urban style mixed used development using development standards that will permit a number of vertically and horizontally integrated uses. However, there are some modifications that are being proposed. The main modification is the use of more of a form-based code approach as opposed to the traditional zoning approach originally approved. Second, there are proposed changes to the development phasing. Finally, the approach for improvement of open space is being modified; there is no proposed decrease in the quality of the open space, but the applicant is modifying the components to better reflect the character of this new development.
The proposed development is congruent with the vision and adopted Growth Strategy policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, the Comprehensive Plan focuses on providing a mix of housing types for existing and new residents as well as providing for high-quality mixed-use development along the State Highway 121 Corridor. This development helps to further this vision.
The Development Regulations included in this zoning request will be the primary guiding document regarding for the proposed development of this property. Below is a summary of each of the main sections of the Development Regulations.
- Section 1: Planned Development Summary and Purpose - This section introduces the Planned Development including its general property description and the general intent for a mixed-use development.
- Section 2: Planned Development Structure - This section provides a description of the different character districts that comprise the overall property. These character districts each have their own base zoning district that helps set the basis for each of the districts. Additionally, this section contains reference to the Regulating Plan. The Regulating Plan will serve as the master plan for the overall development. However, the Regulating Plan does not contain the detail of a typical conceptual plan because the details for the juxtaposition of uses is contained with the development standards. This allows for flexibility in the development without sacrificing quality in the standards.
- Section 3: Property Development Standards - This is the most comprehensive of all of the sections of the development regulations. These regulations address the permitted uses within the property as well as much of the physical "form" of the development. Additionally, there is language in this section regarding the phasing of different uses, more particularly that of proposed maximum of 2,400 urban residential uses. Below is a summary of this phasing schedule:
- Initial Phase - A total of 600 urban residential units may be constructed at the onset of this development.
- Second Phase - Prior to the issuance of permits for the next phase of 600 urban residential units, building permits must be secured for 100,000 square feet of office uses and a minimum of five acres of improved open space must be complete.
- Third Phase - Prior to the issuance of permits for the next phase of 600 urban residential units, a certificate of occupancy must be secured for the shell space of aforementioned 100,000 square feet of office uses, and a building permit must be issued for an additional 50,000 square feet of office space.
- Fourth Phase - Prior to the issuance of permits for the last phase of 600 urban residential units, a certificate of occupancy must be secured for the shell space of aforementioned 50,000 square feet of office uses
- Section 4: Street Types and Transportation Network - This section addresses locations of streets, maintenance responsibility, and accessibility. As noted in this section, with the exception of streets being public on which townhome lots front, all other streets will be private and maintained as such.
- Section 5: Parkland, Open Space, Trails and Tree Mitigation - Since parkland and open space are such an integral component of a mixed-use development of this scale, this section is detailed. In fact, the detail that is provided precludes having to consider a facilities agreement for these items in the future (Note: This does not preclude the likelihood of a separate facilities agreement for public infrastructure). The open space included in this development is a mix of more formal/urban form as well as traditional hike and bike trails. Watters Creek, which runs north/south through this development serves to connect to regional systems in the City of Allen, therefore, much of the interior open space serves to connect to this location. Finally, much of the open space is highly amenitized to offer diverse opportunities within this development and to those visiting.
This section also contains the regulations associated with the value of park improvements (noted as Park Improvement Value or "PIV"). This concept has appeared in prior large-scale mixed-use developments, and simply permits amenitization of open space or parks in lieu of land dedication. For instance, an acre of land is assigned a monetary value that can be mitigated if the developer chooses to amenitize an open space or park with an equivalent monetary value.
- Section 6: Building Design Standards - This section includes a deviation from what is typically included in a planned development. The architectural elevations provided are only representative images of the buildings that could be constructed. However, there are clear standards that dictate the high-quality materials and architectural enhancements (e.g., fenestration, articulation of facades) to be incorporated into these proposed buildings. Additionally, it should be noted that building materials are not able to be regulated.
- Section 7: Streetscape Standards - The focus of this section of the regulations is not only the vehicular components of streets, but also the pedestrian components typically located from a building façade to the back of the curb adjacent to the street.
- Section 8: Sustainability - This section provides a number of sustainability measures that may be used at the property owner's discretion and would be privately owned and maintained.
- Section 9: Infrastructure Improvements - While much of these improvements are additionally regulated by the ALDC, this section notes the expectations with regard to storm water detention facilities and floodplain regulations.
- Section 10: Sign Standards - This section provides the proposed deviations from our signage regulations that would be expected with a large-scale, pedestrian-oriented mixed-use development.
- Section 11: Site Plan Administration - This section provides the regulations associated with administrative oversight including which approvals are delegated to a staff-level and which approvals would require approval from City Council.
- Section 12: Definitions - This section is typical and includes definitions associated with these development regulations.
The Development Regulations contain a number of appendices that collectively govern the proposed development. Below is a summary of each of these documents.
- Appendix A: Legal Description and Zoning Exhibit - This attachment provides the metes and bounds legal description of the entire property that is governed by these regulations. Additionally, the zoning exhibit provides a visual representation of the boundary that comprises this zoning request.
- Appendix B: Schedule of Uses - This exhibit provides a schedule of permitted uses similar to what is included in Section 4.20 of the Allen Land Development Code (ALDC).
- Appendix C: Regulating Plan - This plan serves as a master plan for the development and includes several areas that inform the Development Regulations. First, the plan includes a number of Character Areas with assigned base zoning districts. These base zoning districts operate similarly to those applied in a typical Planned Development in that they provide guidance for the regulations that are applied. Second, the plan includes a conceptual network of primary and secondary streets. This layout is meant to provide a general framework for the location of these thoroughfares, similar to the function of a Master Thoroughfare Plan. The ultimate location of these thoroughfares may include minor shifts, and the tolerance for these shifts is included in the Development Regulations. Third, the plan includes the location of the Greenbelt and other perimeter and interior trail locations. Fourth, the plan includes the identification of primary and secondary building frontages. As these areas are more highly used (i.e., greater pedestrian and vehicular traffic), there are different improvements to these frontages and pedestrian zones that are commensurate with the use/activity expected. Finally, the plan includes an area along the Ridgeview Drive corridor that includes height restrictions.
- Appendix D: Open Space Plan - This plan depicts the main parks and open space components, including the connecting trails and pedestrian ways.
- Appendix E: Street Plan - This plan shows the location of all streets by classification. All streets will be accessible by the public; however, they are noted as public and private to indicate who will be responsible for long-term maintenance of these facilities. Public streets will be maintained by the City of Allen and private streets will be maintained by a Property Owner's Association.
- Appendix F: Street Cross Sections - This exhibit shows the different cross sections that could be applied. The intent is not to use all of these sections, but to have them available depending upon the development that is proposed. It should be noted that these sections depict dimensions from building façade to building façade, as well as showing the proposed locations of underground utilities.
- Appendix G: Driveway Plan - This plan shows proposed turning movements where driveways connect to existing thoroughfares.
- Appendix H: West Lake Park Conceptual Plan - This plan shows a conceptual layout of the proposed West Lake Park to provide objective criteria to evaluate "completion" of this amenity.
- Appendix I: Lot Plan - This plan is largely conceptual in nature, but provides a reference of how the development block pattern could develop according to the development regulations. Additionally, there are certain regulations that are based on physical location of a "lot" and this provides a reference for those regulations.
- Appendix J: Ridgeview Parkway Cross Section - This plan depicts the cross section of Ridgeview Drive to illustrate the various components (e.g., landscaping, trails and thoroughfare lanes) that separate adjacent residential uses on the south side of Ridgeview Drive from what is being proposed in this development.
The regulations as detailed above are framed around the implementation of a form-based code and are meant to provide the specificity necessary to ensure high quality development with flexibility in the ultimate layout of the components of the development.
The request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.
On June 2, 2020, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this request with the following conditions: (1) Section 3.D.1.B should be modified to include all or part of the West Lake Park conceptual plan be constructed as part of the 2nd Phase of the urban residential development; and (2) Section 6.E.2 be stricken from the development regulations.
Public Hearing Sign - May 22, 2020
Public Hearing Notice - May 22, 2020
Newspaper Notice - June 4, 2020
Staff recommends approval to amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development PD No. 134 Mixed Use for a property generally located at the southeastern corner of the intersection of State Highway 121 and Alma Drive.
| | | | | | | | MOTION
I make a motion to adopt Ordinance No. _____ to amend the Development Regulations of Planned Development PD No. 134 Mixed Use for a property generally located at the southeastern corner of the intersection of State Highway 121 and Alma Drive.