On April 3, 2020, Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC ("Oncor" or "Company") filed an Application for Approval of a Distribution Cost Recovery Factor ("DCRF") in Public Utility Commission of Texas ("Commission") Docket No. 50724. In the filing, the Company is seeking an increase in distribution revenues of $75,889,531. For reference, Oncor asked for $29,433,804 last year. This is Oncor's third DCRF filing under a law adopted in 2011 allowing electric utilities to file limited issue, limited review cases.
The Oncor Cities Steering Committee ("OCSC"), of which the City of Allen is a member, intends to engage the services of a consultant, Mr. Karl Nalepa, to review the Company's filing. Mr. Nalepa will review the filing and identify adjustments that should be made to the Company's request. Cities have jurisdiction over this matter.
The Commission's rules allow cities 60 days to act on this application. That deadline is June 2, 2020. the attached Resolution authorizes the City of Allen to join the OCSC to evaluate the filing, determine whether the filing complies with the law, and if lawful, to determine what further strategy, including settlement, to pursue.