Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:AprilĀ 28, 2020
SUBJECT:Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with RBR Infrastructure & Road, LLC., for the 2020 Streets and Alley Rehabilitation Project in the Amount of $1,111,172.
STAFF RESOURCE:Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering
ACTION PROPOSED:Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with RBR Infrastructure & Road, LLC., for the 2020 Streets and Alley Rehabilitation Project in the Amount of $1,111,172.


The systematic repair and replacement of aging, cracked, and failing pavement is part of our ongoing maintenance program.  By removing and replacing panels of concrete, the life span of the roadway is extended.  Included in this city-wide project is approximately 1,140 square yards of alley pavement reconstruction, 6,891 square yards of roadway pavement repair, and associated curb and gutter repair, barrier free ramps, and incidental items associated with the project.


This expense is key and essential.  Even though routine (as we undertake this level of pavement repair annually), the repairs in our concrete streets and alleys have been identified by the Community Services Department as needing immediate repair at these various locations.  Deferment would exacerbate the paving conditions, frustrate residents that have been told repairs will happen soon, and potentially interrupt traffic unnecessarily in the future when repairs are eventually allowed to be made.  Awarding this project in the spring, allows staff to undertake repairs during the summer when traffic is more forgiving (due to school being out).


Additionally, this project includes the McDermott and Suncreek intersection improvements, which is a project planned to improve operational efficiency and flow through the intersection by adding lanes departing from Twin Creeks and Suncreek neighborhoods.  When this smaller project is packaged with this subject, larger 'Streets and Alley Rehabilitation Project,' the City experiences an economy of scale that reduces the overall price of the intersection project.


On April 10, 2020, six (6) bids were received.  The three (3) lowest and responsive bids are below:


Bid 2020-2-64



Calendar Days

Bid Amount

HQS Construction


$ 1,021,903.70

RBR Infrastructure & Road, LLC


$ 1,048,231.75

New World Contracting, LLC


$ 1,306,451.68



This project was competitively bid and publicly advertised, with terms for selection based on "best value." Upon review of the price proposals, reference checks, past work experience of each bidder, and the time of completion bid on the project it is recommended to award the contract to RBR Infrastructure & Road, LLC. Time savings were considered due to the need to complete as much work during the summer months while there is less traffic and school is out. This allows for less construction related delays for the traveling public and reduces impact for schools.  Time savings for each bidder was calculated by adding the value of a calendar day to the proposed bid. Bids were normalized in the attached chart to show the lowest bidder. Analysis of the chart shows HQS Construction does not have the lowest bid after considering cost of time, and RBR Infrastructure & Road, LLC represents the best value.


The total budget and proposed funding sources are as follows, below.


ST2002 - 2020 Street and Alley Rehabilitation Project (Various Locations) Award Itemization

Bid Amount

$ 1,048,231.76

Bid Contingency (6%)

$ 62,940.24


$ 1,111,172.00



ST2002 - 2020 Street and Alley Rehabilitation Project (Various Locations) Project Funding Source

Funding Source


GO BOND (ST2002)

$ 570,000

GO BOND (ST1909) (McDermott @ Suncreek)

                                   $ 120,000


$ 421,172


$ 1,111,172


Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with RBR Infrastructure & Road, LLC., for the 2020 Streets and Alley Rehabilitation Project in the Amount of $1,111,172.


Staff believes this project is key and essential as it provides routine maintenance to our streets and alley infrastructure, that without continued maintenance could lead to greater costs to Allen to repair.  Also, the funding source for this project does not impact our operating budget. Staff recommends this project be awarded promptly as the current circumstances minimize the impact of construction on society. School closures and shelter-in-place orders present a unique opportunity to complete work near schools and along major roadways with reduced interruption to traffic. This will also create a safer work environment for the recommended contractor.


I make a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with RBR Infrastructure & Road, LLC., for the 2020 Streets and Alley Rehabilitation Project in the Amount of $1,111,172.

RBR Proposal
Standard Form of Agreement
Evaluation Matrix
Location Map