Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:March 24, 2020

Motion to Appoint Mayor Pro Tem Caplinger to Serve on the North Central Texas 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District Board.


Shelley B. George, City Secretary

PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION:On November 13, 2018, Council adopted Resolution No. 3626-11-18(R) appointing Mayor Terrell to serve as a member of the North Central Texas Regional 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District.

Motion to Appoint Mayor Pro Tem Caplinger to Serve on the North Central Texas 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District Board.


State law provides for $.50 fee to be collected each month on individual and business telephone bills.  These fees are collected by the State Comptroller's office and the State Legislature determines how much of the funds from these fees are returned to the region.


In the 84th Session of the Texas Legislature, SB 1108 was passed allowing councils of governments to form 9-1-1 districts whereby all fees collected from citizens and businesses within these districts are remitted directly to the districts to be used solely for the provision of 9-1-1 services.


In 2016, the City of Allen passed Resolution No. 3372-4-16(R) supporting the formation of the 9-1-1 district within the NCTCOG region.  This district was created on December 3, 2018.  The board is comprised of elected officials appointed by their governing bodies through an official resolution.  As an eligible jurisdiction, the City of Allen is entitled to appoint a representative.  The proposed action names Mayor Pro Tem Gary Caplinger as Allen's representative to the board.


Staff recommends that the City Council appoint Mayor Pro Tem Gary Caplinger to serve on the North Central Texas 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District Board.


I make a motion to appoint Mayor Pro Tem Caplinger to serve on the North Central Texas 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District Board.