Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:July 28, 2020

Set September 8, 2020, as the Public Hearing Date Regarding the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 City Tax Rate.


Eric Cannon, Chief Financial Officer

Chris Landrum, Budget Manager

Rebecca Brack, Budget Officer


Set September 8, 2020, as the Public Hearing Date Regarding the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 City Tax Rate.


According to the Texas Truth-in-Taxation Statute, the City Council is required to set and conduct a public hearing if the City's proposed tax rate exceeds the lower of the voter-approval tax rate or the no-new-revenue tax rate. The City always conducts a public hearing on the tax rate, even in years that the Truth-in-Taxation limits are not exceeded.


If public hearings are required as described above, the law requires that the public hearing or a public meeting to adopt a tax rate until the fifth day after the date the chief appraiser has delivered the notice of estimated taxes to property owners and the tax rate calculation forms are made available.


Finally, notice of the public hearing must be posted on the City's website from the date the notice is first published until the public hearing is concluded.


It is also important to note that setting the public hearing date for the tax rate and the fiscal year budget need to be done as separate items with the City Council taking action on each of the items separately.


The proposed tax rate of $0.489 is a "not to exceed" tax rate as proposed by the City Manager. The actual tax rate voted on by City Council will not exceed the rate as proposed by the City Manager.


The proposed tax rate for the City's General Fund and Debt Service Fund for the Fiscal Year 2021 budget is $0.489 per $100 of appraised value, which is no change from the current tax rate of $0.489.


Staff recommends that Council set Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. as the Public Hearing date on the tax rate. The Public Hearing will be held in the Council Chambers in Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. The final record vote on the tax rate will be on September 8, 2020.


I make a motion to set Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 7:00 P.M., at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas as the date, time and place for the Public Hearing on the proposed City Tax Rate of 48.9 cents per $100 of appraised value for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.