Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:January 7, 2020

Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Request to Establish a Planned Development Zoning District with a Base Zoning of Mixed Use and Adopt Development Regulations, Zoning Exhibit, Regulating Plan, Parks and Open Space Plan, Street Cross Sections, Street Diagram, Conceptual Driveway Layout, Development Tracts, Conceptual Landscape and Amenity Design, and Conceptual Imagery for Mixed-Use Tower for Approximately 55.957± Acres Located in the S. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, Generally Located at the Southwestern Corner of the Intersection of State Highway 121 and Exchange Parkway; 8.926± Acres Located in the S. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, Generally Located at the Southeastern Corner of the Intersection of State Highway 121; and 9.994± Acres Located in the S. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, Generally Located Directly West of Bending Branch Way and Directly South of State Highway 121. [Gateway Allen at Twin Creeks - Mixed Use]


Marc Kurbansade, AICP

Director of Community Development


Planned Development No. 101 - Adopted January, 2007


Public Hearing Signs - Installed December 27, 2019

Public Hearing Letters - Mailed December 27, 2019



The subject property is comprised of three individual non-contiguous tracts. The first tract is generally located at the northwest corner of Ridgeview Drive and Exchange Parkway. The second tract is generally located along east side of Exchange Parkway between Ridgeview Drive and State Highway 121. The third tract is generally located on the south side of State Highway 121 approximately 625 feet east of the intersection of State Highway 121 and Exchange Parkway. To the west of the subject property is Planned Development PD No. 127 Corridor Commercial CC, Planned Development PD No. 127 Multifamily-18 MF-18, and Planned Development PD No. 63 Community Facilities CF. To the south of the subject property is Planned Development PD No. 54 Medium Density Single Family MDSF, Planned Development PD No. 54 Single Family Residential 6 R-6, and Planned Development PD No. 54 Community Facilities CF. To the east of the subject property is Planned Development PD No. 101 Corridor Commercial CC, Planned Development PD No. 135 Corridor Commercial CC. To the north of subject property across State Highway 121 is within the City of McKinney municipal boundaries.


The subject property is currently zoned Planned Development PD No. 101 Corridor Commercial CC. Planned Development No. 101 was established in January 2007 for the former Arts of Collin County project and does not have any amendments approved to date. The current Allen ISD STEAM Center is the only property within this Planned Development that has been developed.


The applicant is proposing to develop an urban style mixed used development using development standards that will permit a number of vertically and horizontally integrated uses. The Development Regulations will be the primary guiding document regarding the proposed development of this property. Below is a summary of each of the main sections of the Development Regulations. 


  • Section 1: Planned Development Structure - This section outlines the structure of the planned development, including the main topics that are covered.
  • Section 2: Development Standards - This is the most comprehensive of all of the sections of the development regulations. These regulations address the permitted uses on the property as well as much of the physical "form" of the development.
  • Section 3: Street Types and Transportation Network - This section addresses locations of streets, maintenance responsibility, and accessibility. 
  • Section 4: Parkland, Open Space, Trails, and Tree Mitigation - Since parkland and open space are such an integral component of a mixed-use development of this scale, this section is fairly robust. Much of the primary open space will be constructed with initial phases of development with smaller, ancillary open space to be development in accord with the rest of the site.  
  • Section 5: Building Design Standards - This section includes a deviation from what is typically included in a planned development. The architectural elevations provided are only representative images of the buildings that could be constructed. However, there are clear standards that dictate the high-quality materials and architectural enhancements (e.g., fenestration, articulation of facades) to be incorporated into these proposed buildings. Additionally, it should be noted that building materials are not able to be regulated as 
  • Section 6: Streetscape Standards - The focus of this section of the regulations is not only the vehicular components of streets, but also the pedestrian components typically located from a building façade to the back of the curb adjacent to the street.
  • Section 7: Signage Standards - This section provides the proposed deviations from our signage regulations that would be expected with a large-scale, pedestrian-oriented mixed-use development.
  • Section 8: Sustainability - This section provides a number of sustainability measures that may be used at the property owner's discretion and would be privately owned and maintained.
  • Section 9: Detention - This section provides basic information regarding the proposed regional detention system for the development.
  • Section 10: Definitions - This section is typical and includes definitions associated with these development regulations.
  • Section 11: Site Plan Administration - This section provides the regulations associated with administrative oversight including which approvals are delegated to a staff-level and which approvals would require approval from City Council.


The Development Regulations contain a number of appendices that collectively govern the proposed development. Below is a summary of each of these documents.


  • Appendix 1: Legal Description - This exhibit provides the metes and bounds legal description of the entire property that is governed by these regulations.
  • Appendix 2: PD Zoning Exhibit - This exhibit is the visual representation of the boundaries of the three separate tracts that comprise this zoning request. 
  • Appendix 3: Schedule of Uses - This exhibit provides a schedule of permitted uses similar to what is included in Section 4.20 of the Allen Land Development Code (ALDC).
  • Appendix 4: Regulating Plan - This exhibit serves as a master plan for the development and includes several areas that inform the Development Regulations. First, the plan includes a number of Character Areas with assigned base zoning districts. These base zoning districts operate similarly to those applied in a typical Planned Development in that they provide guidance for the regulations that are applied. Second, the plan includes a conceptual network of primary and secondary streets. This layout is meant to provide a general framework for the location of these thoroughfares, similar to the function of a Master Thoroughfare Plan. The ultimate location of these thoroughfares may include minor shifts, and the tolerance for these shifts is included in the Development Regulations. Third, the plan includes the location of the Central Square and primary perimeter trail locations. Fourth, the plan includes the identification of primary and secondary building frontages. As these areas are more highly used (i.e., greater pedestrian and vehicular traffic), there are different improvements to these frontages and pedestrian zones that are commensurate with the use/activity expected. Finally, the plan includes an area along the Ridgeview Drive corridor that includes height restrictions.
  • Appendix 5: Parks & Open Space Plan - This exhibit depicts the main parks and open space components. Specifically the Central Square and Gateway Forest areas are shown as the major parks/open space. The general locations of Character Area Parks are shown on the plan along with hike & bike trail components.
  • Appendix 6: Street Cross Sections - This exhibit shows the different cross sections that could be applied. The intent is not to use all of these sections, but to have them available depending upon the development that is proposed. It should be noted that these sections depict dimensions from building façade to building façade, as well as showing the proposed locations of underground utilities.
  • Appendix 7: Streets Diagram - This exhibit shows the location of all streets by classification as well as proposed turning movements where they connet to exiting thoroughfares. 
  • Appendix 8: Conceptual Driveway Layout - This exhibit shows the conceptual locations of driveway "cuts" proposed as part of this development. 
  • Appendix 9: Development Tracts - This exhibits shows a conceptual layout of how the tracts of this site will likely be subdivided and ultimately developed. 
  • Appendix 10: Conceptual Landscape & Amenity Design-Central Square & Gateway Forest - This exhibit shows the design requirements for these amenities since there are phasing standards that are tied to these improvements.
  • Appendix 11: Tract 6A - Cope Equities Mixed-Use Tower Conceptual Imagery - This exhibit is meant to provide context to the development options for Tract 6A. 

The regulations as detailed above are framed around the implementation of a form-based code and are meant to provide the specificity necessary to ensure high quality development with flexibility in the ultimate layout of the components of the development.

The request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.



Staff recommends approval.

I move to recommend approval of an ordinance establishing a Planned Development zoning district with a base zoning of Mixed Use "MIX" for approximately 55.957± acres located in the S. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, 8.926± Acres Located in the S. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, and 9.994± Acres Located in the S. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, subject to the Development Regulations, Zoning Exhibit, Regulating Plan, Parks and Open Space Plan, Street Cross Sections, Street Diagram, Conceptual Driveway Layout, and Development Tracts, as presented.

Property Notification Map
Development Regulations
Zoning Exhibit
Regulating Plan
Parks and Open Space Plan
Street Cross Sections
Street Diagram
Conceptual Driveway Layout
Development Tracts
Conceptual Landscape & Amenity Design
Conceptual Imagery for Mixed-Use Tower