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| | | | | | | | SUBJECT: | Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Pavecon Public Works, LP for Aylesbury Drive Street Repair in the Amount of $385,978 and Approve a Change Order in the Amount of $67,722 for a Total Amount of $453,700. |
| | | | | | | | STAFF RESOURCE: | Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering
Jimmy Knipp, Assistant Director of Community Service |
| | | | | | | | ACTION PROPOSED: | Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Pavecon Public Works, LP for Aylesbury Drive Street Repair in the Amount of $385,978 and Approve a Change Order in the Amount of $67,722 for a Total Amount of $453,700. |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND
Aylesbury Drive was built in 1993 and has substantial pavement failure approximately 700' South of Bethany Drive to Mark Twain Drive on the west side of the Road. Pavement failure is so substantial that half of the width of the street must be removed, the underlying soil recompacted and new concrete placed. The standard residential roadway width in Allen is 31 feet, though Aylesbury was originally constructed at 37 feet in width. Staff originally recommended a "road diet" approach in that the improvements to Aylesbury would reconstruct the roadway to the standard 31 feet in order to encourage slower traffic, increase distance between the roadway and the walking trail, and provide cost savings.
Staff embarked on an effort to communicate to and incorporate feedback from nearby residents. In the first week of June, door hangers were delivered to the residences adjacent to the construction site explaining the staff recommendation to decrease the width of the roadway. On June 11, a Nextdoor post was sent to residents near the project site relating the project plan. On June 18, a project update was provided on Nextdoor bringing additional feedback from residents.
Although staff originally recommended Aylesbury Drive to be reconstructed to the standard narrower width (31-ft) for a typical residential street, feedback from the neighborhood expressed concerns with parking, visibility, and perceived capacity (as compared to the wider street they have been accustomed to). Therefore the Engineering Department explored the possibility to reconstruct the roadway and maintain the existing width (37-ft width) instead. On July 2, a final Nextdoor post was sent relaying the final project plan and door hangers were again provided to the adjacent residences explaining that after receiving neighborhood feedback, the City intends to reconstruct the roadway and maintain its current configuration.
Upon request, Pavecon submitted a change order for review by the Engineering Department and the costs are acceptable and within 25% of the original project bid proposal (as allowed by state law). Consequently, staff is recommending to proceed with repairs to the street that will result in the street width remaining unchanged.
On Thursday May 23, 2019, a total of seven (7) bids were received, the three (3) lowest and responsive bids are below:
Bid 2019-4-48
Calendar Days
Bid Amount
Pavecon Public Works, LP
$ 362,961.85
Urban Infrastructure
$ 397,465.00
XIT Paving
$ 421,544.00
Change Order #1
Calendar Days
Bid Amount
Add. pavement to maintain 37' street width
$ 67,721.60
Upon request, Pavecon submitted a change order for review by the Engineering Department and the increase is acceptable pursuant to Local Government Code 252.048. Consequently, staff is recommending to proceed with repairs to the street and maintain the current 37' width.
| | | | | | | | BUDGETARY IMPACT
Funding utilized is budgeted in the FY19 approved annual budget, programmed for Street Infrastructure Maintenance in the Community Service Department Budget.
ST1905 - Aylesbury Drive Street Repair
Award Itemization
Bid Amount
$ 362,961.85
Bid Contingency (6%)
$ 23,016.55
Change Order #1 |
$ 67,721.60 |
$ 453,700.00
Staff recommends that the City Council award bid and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Pavecon Public Works, LP for Aylesbury Drive street repair in the amount of $385,978 and approve a change order in the amount of $67,722 for a total amount of $453,700.
| | | | | | | | MOTION
I make a motion to award bid and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Pavecon Public Works, LP for Aylesbury Drive street repair in the amount of $385,978 and approve a change order in the amount of $67,722 for a total amount of $453,700.