The property is located at the northwest corner of Alma Drive and Exchange Parkway. The properties to the north are zoned Planned Development PD No. 53 Single-Family Residential R-6. The properties to the east, across Alma Drive, are zoned Planned Development PD No. 54 Single-Family Residential SF and Shopping Center SC. The properties to the south, across Exchange Parkway, are zoned Planned Development PD No. 54 Single-Family Residential SF. The properties to the west are zoned Planned Development PD No. 53 Shopping Center SC.
The property is currently zoned Planned Development PD No. 53 Shopping Center SC. The original Planned Development for this property was approved in May 1993 and contained a specific list of uses for the subject tract, including retail, restaurant, and daycare uses. In 2017, a Planned Development Amendment was adopted for the property to allow the development of a grocery store. The applicant is requesting to amend the development regulations and to adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a new lot configuration and set of land uses.
The subject property is 5.511± acres. The Concept Plan shows three lots. Lot 1, which is adjacent to Alma Drive and approximately 1.056± acres, includes a proposed building with a floor area of approximately 7,980± square feet; retail and restaurant uses are proposed in the building on this lot. Lot 2 is approximately 1.054± acres and includes a proposed building with a floor area of approximately 7,500± square feet; a daycare use is proposed for the building on this lot. Lot 3, which is approximately 3.041± acres, shows the previously proposed grocery store for conceptual purposes only. Both the Concept Plan and Development Regulations note that Lot 3 will require a Planned Development Amendment prior to development.
There are a total of five access points into the development--one on Exchange Parkway, two on Alma Drive, and two through internal access drives. The Concept Plan shows two traffic improvements. It depicts a proposed right turn lane on southbound Alma Drive and a westbound deceleration lane on Exchange Parkway. The phasing of the proposed traffic improvements is detailed in the development regulations.
The Building Elevations for Lot 1 show a single building at a maximum height of 30 feet. Primary building materials include brick and stone. Synthetic stucco, or Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS), is included as an accent material and is limited to a maximum of 10% of the area of each façade. The Building Elevations for Lot 2 show a single building at a maximum height of 30 feet. Primary building materials include stone, brick, and stucco. All building elevations are in accordance with ALDC standards.
The development regulations include additional permitted uses, traffic improvements, and building materials. The development regulations contain language mirroring the ALDC's requirements for synthetic stucco, or EIFS, and additional permitted uses of Office and Medical or Dental Office for Lots 1 and 2. The timing of the traffic improvements is tied to the development of Lot 3 with provisions for cost sharing.
The request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.
On May 7, 2019, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the item.
Public Hearing Sign - April 26, 2019
Public Hearing Letters - April 26, 2019
Newspaper Notice - May 9, 2019