The property is generally located approximately 1,582± feet south of Ridgeview Drive and directly west of U.S. Highway 75. The property to the north is zoned Community Facilities CF. The properties to the east, across U.S. Highway 75, are in the Town of Fairview. The property to the south is zoned Corridor Commercial CC. The property to the west is zoned Planned Development PD No. 129 Corridor Commercial CC.
The property is currently zoned Corridor Commercial CC. The applicant is proposing to establish a Planned Development zoning district with a base zoning of Corridor Commercial CC for Tractor Supply Company.
The subject property is approximately 4.772± acres. The attached Concept Plan shows the proposed 19,097± square foot building, parking, and associated display areas.
There are three proposed outdoor display locations. The first, and largest area, is the 17,419± square foot fenced display area north of the building. This display area will be enclosed by an eight foot tall ornamental metal fence. To the east of this display area, the applicant is proposing a 3,000± square foot unscreened display area for trailers and equipment. Finally, the third outdoor display area is located in front of the main entrance to the building. The development regulations stipulate that an accessible path must be maintained in the display areas.
The attached Landscape Plan shows the proposed plantings for the property. The applicant has provided ornamental trees in excess of Allen Land Development Code requirements in the parking lot island east of the trailer and equipment display area.
There are a total of two access points into the development--one on U.S. Highway 75 and one through a proposed fire lane, access, and utility easement.
The attached Building Elevations show a single building with a maximum height of 30 feet. Building materials include concrete, brick, and a metal accent stripe.
The applicant submitted a parking study in conjunction with the Planned Development application. The study reviewed peak parking demand at Tractor Supply Company stores in similar locations. The proposed parking on site is in conformance with the study.
The attached development regulations include outdoor display locations, screening, landscaping, and parking requirements.
The request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.