Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:March 12, 2019

Adopt a Resolution Requesting the Members of the 86th Legislative Session of the State of Texas Support Legislation that Provides Stewardship, Health and Well Being, and Connectivity for Local and State Parks.


Tim Dentler, Director, Parks and Recreation

Carrie Cessna, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation

Travis Cunniff, Recreation Services Manager


Adopt a Resolution Requesting the Members of the 86th Legislative Session of the State of Texas Support Legislation that Provides Stewardship, Health and Well Being, and Connectivity for Local and State Parks.


The Texas communities, counties, and State protect and enhance the investments in all parks and open spaces providing stewardship through supporting conservation of open space and making public lands accessible for public use by supporting the sporting goods sales tax and the land and water conservation fund; and supporting water and natural resources through conservation, presentation and the rights to access nature, the outdoors and recreational amenities; and increasing physical activity and improving health and wellness by utilizing parks and recreation amenities and services.


Political subdivisions throughout the State of Texas depend on funding for services and programs that ensure access for all people to connect to nature and the outdoors; and creating a livable, safe, and responsible community by supporting safe recreational amenities, pathways and trails; and supporting the positive economic impacts of connecting our communities to nature and the outdoors from the Parks and Recreation Industry.


The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ("TPWD") administers the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Local Park Grant Program ("TRPA") and the Large County and Municipality Recreation and Parks Account (Urban Account). Political subdivisions throughout the State of Texas depend on grants from the TPWD through the TRPA to stimulate the acquisition and development of parks and recreation areas for the benefit and enjoyment of their citizenry. The TRPA, Urban Account, and State parks are funded from sales tax on sporting goods, and the development of new parks stimulates the purchase of sporting goods.


The purpose of this resolution is to request that members of the 86th Legislature of Texas seek support of legislation that provides stewardship, health and well-being, and connectivity for local and state parks, including a fair and equitable distribution of the existing sporting goods sales tax revenue for Local and State parks.


Staff recommends City Council adopt a resolution requesting the members of the 86th Legislative Session of the State of Texas support legislation that provides stewardship, health and well being, and connectivity for local and state parks.


I make a motion to adopt Resolution No. ____________ requesting the members of the 86th Legislative Session of the State of Texas support legislation that provides stewardship, health and well being, and connectivity for local and state parks.
