property is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of State
Highway 121 and Watters Road. To the north, across State Highway 121, is the
City of McKinney. To the east, across Watters Road, west, and south, the
properties are zoned Planned Development PD No. 92 Corridor Commercial CC.
property is currently zoned Planned Development PD No. 92 with a base zoning of
Corridor Commercial. The original Planned Development was established in 2004
with the intent to emphasize entertainment, commercial, and retail uses. In
2016, two amendments to this Planned Development were approved allowing Office
and Medical or Dental Office uses on a portion of Tract A. In 2018, a Planned
Development Amendment was adopted to expand Office and Medical or Dental Office
uses, add Medical Clinic as a permitted use, and amend the Concept Plan.
applicant is requesting to expand the permitted uses to include a Smoking
Establishment use after approval of a Specific Use Permit and amend the Concept
Plan to include an outdoor patio. A companion request for a Specific Use Permit
for the property will follow this agenda item.
attached Concept Plan shows an approximately 2.819± acre portion of the
Starcreek Village development. It shows an outdoor, covered patio of
approximately 415± square feet. The addition of the patio did not result in a
loss of parking spaces, and the provided parking exceeds minimum requirements.
attached development regulations include Smoking Establishment as a use
permitted by a Specific Use Permit.