Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:May 22, 2018

Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Allen Land Development Code for the Following: (1) Amending Section 4.20.2 "Schedule of Principal Uses" by adding "Food Truck Park" and removing "Carnival or Circus" and "Fairgrounds"; (2) Amending Section 4.20.4 "Schedule of Principal Uses Central Business District" by adding "Food Truck Park"; (3) amending Section 6.04.1 "Temporary Use Permit Applications"; and (4) Amending Section 6.06 "Supplemental Use Regulations" by Adding Section 6.06.15 "Mobile Food Vendors" Relating to Supplemental Development and Use Regulations for Mobile Food Vendors.


Marc Kurbansade, Director of Community Development


On May 1, 2018, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 in favor (Commissioners Platt, Jr., Orr, Autrey, and Metevier) and 0 opposed to recommend approval of the proposed amendments to the Allen Land Development Code.


Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Allen Land Development Code Regarding Mobile Food Vendors.


Mobile Food Establishments are becoming more prevalent; therefore, it is necessary to revise the ALDC to address these types of uses. As proposed, the amendments will focus on three categories of mobile food establishments:


  1. Temporary Events
  2. Food Truck Sites
  3. Food Truck Parks


Mobile Food Establishments as part of Temporary Events are currently regulated in the ALDC. In this context, they are permitted as part of the overall temporary event.


Food Truck Sites are somewhat more permanent uses and may be permitted as accessory uses to existing businesses within the following zoning districts: CC-Corridor Commercial; SC-Shopping Center; LI-Light Industrial; and O-Office. These Sites will be located on private property (i.e., not within right-of-way) and will require the permission of the property owner. Furthermore, they will be required to be located a minimum of 300-feet from existing restaurants, unless consent is provided by that restaurant. Other operational requirements include business hours, access to restrooms and restrictions on overnight storage/parking.


Food Truck Parks are a more permanent use that may include improvements to the site such the Food Truck Park operates as a primary use. These uses will require a Specific Use Permit and must meet development standards of the ALDC. Operational requirements include restrooms, electricity, and improved surfaces for parking of trucks.


It should be noted that complementary regulations within Chapter 6 "Health and Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances are being considered as part of a companion item on this agenda.


The proposed amendments have gone through a review and refinement process with participation from the City Attorney's office.  Attached is a "red-lined" version of the proposed amendments. Existing language is in black text, changes are shown in red. On May 1, 2018, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request.




Newspaper Notice - Published April 12, 2018


Staff recommends approval.


I make a motion to adopt Ordinance No. _____ Amending the Allen Land Development Code Relating to Regulations for Mobile Food Vendors.

Draft Minutes of the May 1, 2018 P&Z Meeting
Red-lined Version of Proposed ALDC Amendments