Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:December 12, 2017

Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Joel Brown & Co. in the Amount of $116,570 for the Municipal Court/Parks and Recreation (MCPAR) Building Public Restroom and Fire Department Remodel Project.


Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering


Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Joel Brown & Co. in the Amount of $116,570 for the Municipal Court/Parks and Recreation (MCPAR) Building Public Restroom and Fire Department Remodel Project.


Expenses for the remodel of the Municipal Court & Parks Recreation (MCPAR) Building public restrooms were approved in the 2018 Fiscal Year Budget. The men's and women's restrooms have not been improved since the building was originally used as the Allen Public Library. The scope of work included in this project will be a complete demolition and replacement of all elements of the restrooms, bringing the facility into modern accessibility standards and décor. This facility receives prominent attention, not only serving as the public restrooms for courts and parks/recreation administration, but also serves as the voting facility for the entire community. Construction has been specifically scheduled to avoid the early voting period, which will start in February 2018. Additionally, included in this bid for economy of scale, the Fire Department has solicited bids for the replacement of countertops for two fire stations. The totals for both the restroom remodel and the fire department scope are included in the bids received, below.


On November 28, 2017, a total of 3 bids were received:


Solicitation # 2018-10-3
Bidder Bid Total
 Mascot  $93,032.68
 Joel Brown & Co.  $116,570.00
 H-B Construction  $131,815.00


This project was competitively bid and publicly advertised, with terms for selection based on 'best value.' In light of the tight timeframe for project execution (to be completed before early voting), reference check, and consideration of past work experience, it is recommended to award to Joel Brown & Co. 


The MCPAR component of the project ($98,090) is being funded through the General Fund (Facilities Maintenance Fund) approved for fiscal year 2018.  The scope related to Fire Department Facilities at Stations 3 and 4 ($18,480) is funded through the Fire Department Operating Budget within their Facility Maintenance allocation.


Staff recommends authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Joel Brown & Co. in the amount of $116,570 for the MCPAR Public Restroom and Fire Department Remodel Project.


I make a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Joel Brown & Co. in the amount of $116,570 for the MCPAR Public Restroom and Fire Department Remodel Project.
