In 2011, the CVB Brand was developed and the City of Allen partnered with a professional marketing firm, Latitude, to develop and implement a marketing plan for the new brand campaign. Latitude proved to be a critical partner to support the CVB's mission of marketing Allen as a destination. The first two years of contracted service focused on creative projects ranging from development of CVB destination assets such as a destination video, a visitor's guide, photo assets and the creative development of advertising and on-line marketing materials. The emphasis in the third year shifted primarily toward launching and managing CVB online marketing initiatives with minor updates needed on creative elements.
In 2015, it was determined that there was a need to refresh the creative material for the CVB's brand and the timing would correspond with the planning for a new convention center. Plans to complete a creative refresh was strategically delayed pending a definite opening date for the convention center project. CVB staff have been managing the brand and related marketing in-house.
At the February 15, 2017, CVB Advisory Board meeting, staff presented the marketing plan including an update on the visitor guide and the recommended approach to the brand creative refresh project. In 2017, the CVB contracted with Belmont Ice House to assist in a creative refresh of the brand and strategic plan related to marketing. The results of the creative refresh was presented to the Advisory Board at the May 17, 2017, meeting.
This proposed agreement with Belmont Icehouse is the implementation of their recommendations which includes the development of the creative materials and the actual marketing campaign related to the CVB brand. This also includes a specific campaign related to the convention center project with the goal to create awareness and excitement around the new facility. The timing of this campaign is strategically planned to correspond with the timing of the convention center while continuing to market the existing assets in Allen.