Recently, the Allen City Council authorized the purchase of all new traffic signal controllers (i.e. the 'brain') for each of our traffic signals. As a continuing part of our initiative to improve and optimize traffic signal operations, the communication system is next on the list for replacement, and the timing of this procurement is convenient.
This proposed contract is for the project management, hardware purchase, design, installation, and optimization of the traffic signal communication systems for the 63 signalized intersections managed by Allen. Most of our traffic signals communicate back to the Traffic Signal Shop, located at the Allen Service Center, using radio communications through antennae mounted on the Prestige Water Tower. When this project is complete, all signals will be connected with reliable communications, along with the ability to connect future signals with confidence. When operating a network of traffic signals, communications are important to examine and change signal timing, receive real-time feedback from the signal controllers for diagnostics, coordinate timing between signals, and view video feeds from the detection cameras.
The current communication system has reached the end of life after 10 years, currently operating on a radio frequency that is unreliable and suffering from increasing interference from other communication users on the same frequency, as well as new buildings, taller trees, and other line-of-sight obstructions. Efforts in recent years have put temporary adjustments in place to manage current line-of-sight and bandwidth challenges; however, the time has come to completely overhaul the entire communications network canopy. The timing is ideal for this, since Scientel Solutions is currently finishing the replacement of the city-wide communication backbone for city facilities.
Consequently, this contract enables us to not only implement traffic signal communication to utilize the new radio network, but will also align shared equipment warranties for long-term maintenance (with that equipment recently installed for the Information Technology Department, city-wide). The new system will utilize new antennas placed on four water towers and enhance reliability and long-term sustainability for new traffic signals in the future.