Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:November 14, 2017

Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Payment to City of Plano for Half the Cost of a Radio Technician per the Interlocal Agreement Governing the Operations of the Motorola Joint Radio System Owned by both the City of Allen and the City of Plano in the Amount of $52,189.


Eric Matthews, Director of Information Technology


On November 20, 2009, the City Council Approved the Contract for Development and Implementation of Public Safety's New P-25 Trunked Radio System. This system has been Operational since June 2011 and is used jointly by the Cities of Allen, Plano, Murphy, and Wylie, among others.


Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Payment to City of Plano for Half the Cost of a Radio Technician per the Interlocal Agreement Governing the Operations of the Motorola Joint Radio System Owned by both the City of Allen and the City of Plano in the Amount of $52,189.


In 2009, City Council approved the development and implementation of the P-25 joint radio system.  The Motorola radio system is jointly owned by Allen and Plano, and it also provides services for Wylie, Murphy and other local cities.  The interlocal agreement creating the joint ownership plan included the provision that the radio operations would be located and run from the City of Plano radio shop.  As a joint owner, Allen's responsibility included funding half of a radio technician salary and benefits.  Each year, the salary and benefits of the position has increased and currently Allen's half of salary and benefits for the position stands at $52,188.70.  Because the cost has crossed the $50,000 threshold, the IT department is bringing the cost to the Council for authorization.


The funding for Allen's half of the radio technician is budgeted in the professional services account of the Information Technology budget.


Staff recommends that the City Council execute a payment to the City of Plano for half the cost of a radio technician per the Interlocal Agreement governing the operations of the Motorola Joint Radio System owned by both the City of Allen and the City of Plano in the amount of $52,189.


I make a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a payment to the City of Plano for half the cost of a radio technician per the Interlocal Agreement governing the operations of the Motorola Joint Radio System owned by both the City of Allen and the City of Plano in the amount of $52,189.

Plano Invoice FY2018
2009 Interlocal Agreement