Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:November 14, 2017

Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Software Support Agreement with Intergraph Corporation d/b/a Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, for the Renewal of Software Support for the Records Management System Utilized by Police in the Amount of $71,309.


Eric Matthews, Director of Information Technology


On February 24, 2009, City Council approved the purchase of a computer aided dispatch (CAD) and records management system (RMS) from TriTech Software Systems.


Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Software Support Agreement with Intergraph Corporation d/b/a Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, for the Renewal of Software Support for the Records Management System Utilized by Police in the Amount of $71,309.


On February 24, 2009, City Council approved the purchase of a computer aided dispatch (CAD) and records management system (RMS) from TriTech Software Systems.  This project included the incorporation of the city's GIS maps for Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) of all public safety vehicles in order to enable the system to dispatch First Responders more efficiently.


The records management system (RMS) was originally a separate software component purchased and managed by Tritech but sourced from Denali.  After implementation, Denali software was sold to Intergraph, who later was purchased by Hexagon. Due to ongoing issues with the integration, operations and support of both the Tritech CAD and Hexagon RMS by the primary contractor Tritech, it was agreed by all parties in 2015 that Hexagon would provide no-cost RMS maintenance for 30 months to allow time for the City to analyze the market and determine if a different RMS was needed to address the City's needs.  The 30 month contract ends in late November, 2018, at which time paid support will be needed to ensure continued support and operation of this critical piece of software.


An evaluation of RMS and CAD software replacement is currently underway, but a full replacement of the software would not take place until FY 2019 at the earliest. 


This software support and maintenance is included in the Police - Technology budget for Fiscal Year 2018.


Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Software Support Agreement with Intergraph Corporation d/b/a Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, for the renewal of software support for the Records Management System utilized by Police in the Amount of $71,309.


I make a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a Software Support Agreement with Intergraph Corporation d/b/a Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, for the renewal of software support for the Records Management System utilized by Police in the Amount of $71,309.

Hexagon-Intergraph FY18 Maint Agreement
1295 Form