Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:October 10, 2017

Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with SYB Construction Company, Inc. for the Hillside Village Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacements Phase 1, Chaparral Road Pavement Repairs, and Sloan Creek Sanitary Sewer Aerial Crossing Project in the Amount of $3,488,339.


Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering


On October 11, 2016, City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a professional service contract with Halff Associates, Inc. in the amount of $429,600 for the Design of the Hillside Village Water and Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project


Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with SYB Construction Company, Inc. for the Hillside Village Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacements Phase 1, Chaparral Road Pavement Repairs, and Sloan Creek Sanitary Sewer Aerial Crossing Project in the Amount of $3,488,339.


This contract includes three projects that were combined into one bid package: Hillside Village Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacements Phase 1; Chapparal Road Pavement Repairs; Sloan Creek Sanitary Sewer Aerial Crossing.


Repair and replacement of existing water and sanitary sewer lines are ongoing efforts of systematic maintenance and operation of utility infrastructure. The Hillside Village neighborhood is older and the existing water and sanitary sewer pipes are of substandard type and condition (i.e. clay tile, asbestos cement, cracked or broken). As a result, these pipes are in need of replacement. Phase 1 of the project involves the replacement of water and sewer pipe for the streets of Valley View Drive, Circle Cove Drive, Grassy Glen Drive, Rolling Ridge Drive, and Hill Haven Drive.  The existing asphalt pavement for Phase 1 is in good condition and pavement will be restored using trench repairs throughout these portions of the project.  At the end of the project, a micro surface will be applied to all affected asphalt roadways to provide a uniform look and finish to the pavement surface.  This project will begin in late November 2017 with anticipated completion in December 2018.


The existing condition of westbound Chaparral Road, near the creek and just west of Jupiter Road, is in poor condition due to drainage pipe failure beneath the pavement.  The pipe connections will be fixed and the pavement will be replaced.  This project is scheduled to begin in June 2018 with anticipated completion in August 2018.


The Sloan Creek project will replace a problematic sanitary sewer siphon with a new aerial crossing over the creek.  The existing siphon requires continual maintenance and has been found to be ineffective for the long-term.  An aerial crossing (pipe that will span the creek at a straight-grade) will be more a more sustainable and prudent solution for long-term maintenance considerations.  This project will begin in late November 2017 with anticipated completion in February 2018.


On Wednesday September 6, 2017, a total of four (4) bids were received for this project. The three (3) lowest bids are below:


Bid 2017-7-113


Calendar Days

Bid Amount

SYB Construction Company, Inc.



R K M Utility Services, Inc.



Tri-Con Services, Inc.




As indicated in the Reimbursement Resolution (Agenda Item #7), the Hillside Village Water/Sewer Replacements and the Sloan Creek Sanitary Sewer Repairs, will be funded by 2018 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds.  Since the bond proceeds will not be available until June 2018, the Water and Sewer Fund will advance the project funding to finance the $3.35 million project expenses.  The plan is for the repayment of the advance to occur in June 2018 from bond proceeds received at closing from the W&S Revenue Bonds, Series 2018.  This is consistent with the long-range water and sewer operating budget philosophy to debt-finance the largest capital expenses in the CIP. 


The Chaparral Road component of the project will be funded by a combination of Drainage and Streets non-bond funds since it relates to paving and drainage infrastructure.


Funding Sources


Drainage - CIP Non Bond (Chaparral)

$ 65,542.00

Streets - CIP Non Bond (Chaparral)

$ 70,848.00

Water / Sewer CIP (Hillside Ph 1 & Sloan Creek)

$ 3,351,948.50


$ 3,488,388.50


Staff recommends the City Council award bid and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with SYB Construction Company, Inc. for the Hillside Village Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacements Phase 1, Chaparral Road Pavement Repairs, and Sloan Creek Sanitary Sewer Aerial Crossing Project in the Amount of $3,488,339.


I make a motion to award bid and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with SYB Construction Company, Inc. for the Hillside Village Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacements Phase 1, Chaparral Road Pavement Repairs, and Sloan Creek Sanitary Sewer Aerial Crossing Project in the Amount of $3,488,339.

Location Map
Standard Form of Agreement
Prevailing Proposal