Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:October 10, 2017

Authorize the City Manager to Purchase Playground Safety Surface Material with Soil Express, Ltd. through a BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement in the Amount of $57,840.


Carrie Cessna, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation

Debra Morris, Purchasing Manager


Authorize the City Manager to Purchase Playground Safety Surface Material with Soil Express, Ltd. through a BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement in the Amount of $57,840.


The City of Allen has been utilizing a contract for Playground Safety Surface Materials since 2014. Previously staff procured multiple large loads of playground surfacing material which was delivered to open bulk storage at the Municipal Service Center. As one or more playground(s) required new surfacing material, staff would then haul the material to the playground site(s) and then contract the labor to disperse the material throughout each installation to City specifications. This three-step process required the activation of a Park Technician and Park Maintenance Worker and on a monthly basis displaced them from the continual backlog of routine and specialty work orders to be filled. The need arose to restructure how the maintenance of our 40-plus playgrounds is handled.


This approach to providing a single source of material delivery and labor has proven to be more efficient and allows staff to address the myriad of other tasks that most often require their technical expertise.


Local Government Code, Chapter 271.102, authorizes a local government to participate in a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization. The Texas Local Government Code permits cooperative agreements between local governments for the purchase of goods and services and satisfies the requirement of local governments to seek competitive bids for purchase of such goods and services through supplier contracts.


It was determined to be in the best interest to utilize the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement to obtain competitive pricing to purchase the playground safety surface materials from Soil Express, the City of Allen's current provider.


The funding for these services is included in the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Parks and Recreation General Fund Budget.


Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to purchase playground safety surface material with Soil Express, Ltd. through a BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement in the amount of $57,840.


I make a motion to authorize the City Manager to purchase playground safety surface material with Soil Express, Ltd. through a BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement in the amount of $57,840.

Vendor Pricing Response/Quote #7304 & Buy Board Contract- 512-16