Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:September 26, 2017

Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Amended and Restated Inter-Local Cooperation Agreement Between the City of Allen and Town of Fairview Concerning US 75 and Stacy Road Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance.


Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering

Tim Dentler, Director of Parks & Recreation


On June 9, 2009, Allen City Council adopted Resolution 2837-6-09(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute an Inter-Local Agreement with the Town of Fairview for median maintenance on Stacy Road from US75 to Greenville Avenue (SH5).


Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Amended and Restated Inter-Local Cooperation Agreement Between the City of Allen and Town of Fairview Concerning US 75 and Stacy Road Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance.


The centerline of Stacy Road is the city limit line between the Town of Fairview and the City of Allen.  Consequently, an existing agreement has been in-place between the two communities to share in the expense of roadway, signal, landscape, irrigation, and lighting maintenance on Stacy Road.

The recent construction project to widen US 75 to four lanes in each direction includes landscape and irrigation improvements along the corridor, with particular emphasis at the major intersections.  All areas within US 75 right-of-way, located within the corporate limits of the City of Allen, will be maintained by a contractor, managed by the City of Allen Parks & Recreation Department (i.e. routine mowing, landscape bed maintenance, tree trimming, irrigation repair).  There is one location that falls outside of Allen city limits and within the Town of Fairview.

The purpose of this amendment to the existing agreement is to apply the same terms for uniform landscape and irrigation maintenance that exist on Stacy to this newly enhanced area along US 75, which lies within the Town of Fairview. The City of Allen will utilize its existing third party contractors to maintain the portion of US 75 right-of-way that is located within the Town of Fairview and Fairview will pay 100% of the cost associated with that location.


Funding for the additional US 75 Landscaping and Irrigation maintenance exists within the Fiscal Year 2018 Parks Department Budget. The improvements will be maintained primarily via third party contract.


Staff recommends that Council adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Inter-Local Cooperation Agreement between the City of Allen and Town of Fairview concerning the US 75 Landscape and Irrigation Improvements Maintenance.


I make a motion to adopt Resolution No.____________ authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Amended and Restated Inter-Local Cooperation Agreement between the City of Allen and Town of Fairview concerning the US 75 Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance.

Location Map
Amended Agreement