WatchGuard Video is an Allen-based manufacturer of surveillance equipment for law enforcement. It designs and manufactures digital in-vehicle video systems and body cameras that are used by a variety of law enforcement agencies at the local, county, state, and federal level.
WatchGuard has grown to become the world's largest supplier of video systems for law enforcement. Nearly one out of every three systems sold in the US are WatchGuard's technology. Enforcement Video, LLC is constructing a new corporate headquarters campus located at 420 E Exchange Parkway. The campus will consist of a two-story building containing approximately 135,000 square feet of office/warehouse space and may be expanded to include an additional 60,000 square feet of office/warehouse space. Construction began in Q1 2017 and is expected to be completed no later than Q3 2018. Once completed, WatchGuard Video plans to move its operations and all employees from its current facility at 415 Century Parkway to the new facility.
To assist with a future expansion, WatchGuard Video is seeking a grant from the Texas Enterprise Zone Program (TEZP). The TEZP helps local communities partner with the State to foster job creation and capital investment in economically distressed areas. Designated projects are eligible to receive grants in the form of sales & use tax refunds. The designation lasts five years.
The company has requested that the Allen City Council adopt a resolution approving the City's participation in the Texas Enterprise Zone Program and nominating Enforcement Video, LLC to the Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism as an Enterprise Zone Project.