Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:May 23, 2017

Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Facilities Agreement with Watters Creek Owner, LLC Related to Bethany Intersections Improvements. 


Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering


Authorize the City Manager to execute a Facilities Agreement with Watters Creek Owner, LLC related to Bethany Intersections Improvements


The Bethany Drive corridor, west of US75, is experiencing exciting development and expanded use, with the construction of the Hotel Convention Center and a Multi-story Office Building already underway.  When these projects are completed, traffic patterns will change and the need exists to prepare for those changes with essential improvements at two key intersections:


  • Bethany Drive and Watters Road
  • Bethany Drive and Watters Creek Boulevard


The Watters Creek Shopping Center Owner has been a partner since inception, in building the necessary infrastructure to accommodate traffic flow in and out of their site.  Most recently, the extension of Montgomery Boulevard to US75 was made possible through a public-private partnership with them.  Now, that relationship continues for the good of the community with a proposal to share design expenses associated with intersection improvements needed at these two intersections which comprise the "front door" to the shopping center.  Not only will the improvements enhance ingress/egress for the center, but will also provide essential pedestrian linkages, whereby the new developments north of Bethany Drive (office and hotel/convention center) will be able to access the amenities offered in Watters Creek.


Even though this agreement only establishes a partnership for professional service (design) costs, the design process will also establish construction cost estimates, upon which to further establish shared costs for the construction phase.


This action item represents payment from Watters Creek Owner to the City of Allen in an amount of $73,330.


Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Facilities Agreement with Watters Creek Owner, LLC related to Bethany Intersections Improvements. 


I make a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a Facilities Agreement with Watters Creek Owner, LLC related to Bethany Intersections Improvements.

Development Agreement
Location Map