Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:May 23, 2017

Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Scientel Solutions to Supply, Install and Configure a Microwave Network in the Amount of $413,996.26.


Eric Matthews, Information Technology Director


Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Scientel Solutions to Supply, Install and Configure a Microwave Network in the Amount of $413,996.26.


In 2008, the City of Allen contracted with GE Mobile Data Systems to build a microwave network to act as a communication network for City facilities and provide access to remote command vehicles in emergency situations.


The benefits of the original microwave system have been substantial, but as the system has aged, VOIP telephone systems have been installed across the City, and the network bandwith requirements from City facilities have increased, the capacity of the network has been reached and the hardware has reached the end of life for its original purpose.


One of the trends in the last several years in Allen has been the installation of ISP leased lines into City facilities that are not served by City-owned fiber.  These leased lines provide connectivity from between 3MB to 50MB depending on location.  In the analysis of upgrading and replacing the original microwave network, it was determined that the new network could replace leased lines at several City facilities, providing speeds at a minimum of 50MB each to around 15 locations which would support both data and voice.


In addition to cost savings of eliminating many leased-line connections, the new microwave network also provides improved bandwidth and capacity for future growth.  Resiliency of the network is further improved, as the design allows for network traffic to be rerouted in the case of a fiber cut or wireless link outage.


Scientel Solutions recently submitted a quote in response to Request for Proposal #2017-2-48.  Representatives from the Engineering and IT Departments met and reviewed the submitted proposal and agree it provides an excellent approach to creating a resilient, high-speed wireless network backbone that effectively connects City locations and will provide flexibility to connecting future facilities and resources to the City's data infrastructure.


The funds are available in the General Fund and were budgeted for in the FY 2016-2017 budget.  The purchase amount will be for $413,996.26.


Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Scientel Solutions to supply, install and configure a Microwave Network.


I make a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Scientel Solutions to supply, install and configure a Microwave Network in the amount of $413,996.26.

Final Pricing - Bid Proposal
Project Schedule