Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:May 9, 2017

Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Establish Planned Development No. 129 for Corridor Commercial for a Data Center Use and Adopt a Concept Plan, Building Elevations, Screening Plan, and Development Regulations for a 12.614± Acre Portion of Lot 2R, Block A, Allen Commerce Center Addition, Generally Located North of Allen Commerce Parkway and West of US Highway 75. [DFW II Data Center - Compass Data Center]


Madhuri Mohan, AICP

Senior Planner

1994 - Agriculture Open Space Approved

March, 2002 - Zoning Amendment Approved

October, 2016 - Combination Plat Approved

January, 2017 - Minor Replat Approved


On April 18, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 in favor (Commissioners Cocking, Trahan, Platt Jr., and Hollingsworth) and 0 opposed to recommend approval of the request.


Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Establish Planned Development No. 129 for Corridor Commercial for a Data Center Use and Adopt a Concept Plan, Building Elevations, Screening Plan, and Development Regulations for a 12.614± Acre Portion of Lot 2R, Block A, Allen Commerce Center Addition, Generally Located North of Allen Commerce Parkway and West of US Highway 75. [DFW II Data Center - Compass Data Center]


The property is generally located north of Allen Commerce Parkway and west of US Highway 75. The property to the north is zoned Community Facilities CF. To the west, the property is zoned Planned Development PD No. 124 Corridor Commercial CC. The property to the south (across Allen Commerce Parkway) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 78 Corridor Commercial CC. The property to the east is zoned Corridor Commercial CC.

The applicant is proposing to construct a Data Center on the approximate 12.614± acre site which is currently zoned Corridor Commercial CC. The Data Center will store, manage, and process data and information. Due to the individuality of the applicant's use, a Planned Development has been prepared to outline the uses and design for the property.

The applicant is proposing to adopt Development Regulations, a Concept Plan, Screening Plan, and Building Elevations for the property.  The proposed data center building is approximately 87,000 square feet, to be constructed in three phases. There are two (2) points of access into the development; both on Allen Commerce Parkway. Both entrances will be gated. The entrance on the western side is the main entrance for employees. The entrance on the eastern side is provided as a secondary, emergency access point.

There is no minimum parking requirement for Data Centers. Data Centers typically have low on-site personal, as evidenced by the Cisco project. Open Space provided exceeds Allen Land Development Code standards.

The applicant is proposing to secure and screen the Data Center with a combination of screening, as shown in the Screening Plan. Perimeter fencing will consist of an eight foot (8') wrought iron fence. An eight foot (8') precast screening wall is proposed on the southern section of the equipment yards facing Allen Commerce Parkway. The remaining screening will consist of an eight foot (8') black chain link fence enclosing the equipment yards.

The building will be one (1) story with a general height of 27 feet. The building will be constructed of pre-cast concrete, as shown in the building elevations.

The draft ordinance includes the development regulations which are specifically tailored to the Data Center use, such as:

- Permitted uses related to the Data Center, including accessory uses such as on-site electricity generation
- Miscellaneous items
- Language regarding detention pond maintenance

The PD Amendment request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.

On April 18, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request.

LEGAL NOTICES            

Public Hearing Sign - Installed April 7, 2017
Public Hearing Notices - Mailed April 7, 2017
Newspaper Notice - April 20, 2017


Staff recommends approval of the request.


I make a motion to Adopt Ordinance No. ________________ to establish Planned Development No. 129 for Corridor Commercial for a Data Center Use and adopt a Concept Plan, Building Elevations, Screening Plan, and Development Regulations for a 12.614± acre portion of Lot 2R, Block A, Allen Commerce Center Addition, generally located north of Allen Commerce Parkway and west of US Highway 75, for DFW II Data Center.

Property Notification Map
Draft Minutes from the April 18, 2017 P&Z Meeting