Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:February 14, 2017

Authorize the City Manager to Purchase Traffic Signal Equipment From Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc. Through the Buy Board Cooperative Agreement in the Amount of $90,000.


Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering


Authorize the City Manager to Purchase Traffic Signal Equipment From Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc. Through the Buy Board Cooperative Agreement in the Amount of $90,000.


This authorization is to purchase 40 uninterrupted power supply (UPS) backup batteries and 2 signal cabinets with breakaway bases.  The buy board discount pricing applies to a minimum purchase of 40 UPS batteries. If purchasing a smaller quantity, the pricing per battery increases. The UPS batteries ensure that a signal will maintain operation during power outages. The two signal cabinets and breakaway bases are to replace existing ones that are not compatible with the flashing yellow arrow conversion.


The current BuyBoard pricing contract 432-13 expires in March 31, 2017, and pricing typically increases under the new contracts.


The City of Allen typically purchases traffic signal equipment each year.  This year, the City of Allen has entered into an agreement with TxDOT by which we will purchase signal equipment for the Stacy Road reconstruction project and they will reimburse us for those expenses.  This type of arrangement will ensure that the new signals on Stacy will be consistent with the other signals in the City of Allen.   As a result, we will expend more than $50,000 from this vendor in FY2017 and will require Council approval.


The current purchase orders for Paradigm Traffic Systems totals $41,976.39.  The proposed purchase is for an additional $35,350.39.  In the event that any additional purchase needs are identified once work is underway on traffic signals, an additional amount of $12,673.22 is included in this request.  


Funding for this purchase agreement will come from the FY17 engineering department operating budget or funds from the capital improvement program (for expenses associated with the Stacy Road signals being reconstructed by TxDOT).


Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to purchase traffic signal equipment from Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc. through the Buy Board Cooperative Agreement in the amount of $90,000.


Authorize the City Manager to purchase traffic signal equipment from Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc. through the Buy Board Cooperative Agreement in the amount of $90,000.

Buy Board Agreement