Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:January 24, 2017

Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual Contract with TB2 Services, dba Aire Dynamics, Inc. for HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services for City Facilities with Two Optional One-Year Renewals in the Amount of $90,000, and Award a Contract with CEC Facilities Group, LLC as the Secondary Vendor.


Jimmy Knipp, Assistant Director of Community Services

Debra Morris, Purchasing Manager


Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual Contract with TB2 Services, dba Aire Dynamics, Inc. for HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services for City Facilities with Two Optional One-Year Renewals in the Amount of $90,000, and Award a Contract with CEC Facilities Group, LLC as the Secondary Vendor.


To continue our efforts to effectively maintain and repair City facilities and control costs, Purchasing staff have solicited bids for HVAC preventative maintenance and repair services, consisting of fixed price monthly routine preventative maintenance and on-call repair services for facilities that are maintained by Community Services, Parks and Recreation and the Fire Department. On December 28, 2016 the Purchasing Division received a total of ten bid responses. Five of the bid responses were concluded to be non-responsive due to a lack of necessary certifications. The bid was awarded to the lowest responsive bidder.  


Funding for the annual contract for HVAC Maintenance and Repair is available in the Community Service, Parks and Recreation, and Fire Department operating budgets within the General Fund and within the Water and Sewer Fund.


Staff recommends authorizing the City Manager to execute an annual contract with TB2 Services, dba Aire Dynamics, Inc. for HVAC preventative maintenance and repair services for City Facilities with two optional one-year renewals in the amount of $90,000, and authorizing execution of a contract with CEC Facilities Group, LLC as the secondary vendor.


I make a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute an annual contract with TB2 Services, dba Aire Dynamics, Inc. for HVAC preventative maintenance and repair services for City Facilities with two optional one-year renewals in the amount of $90,000, and authorizing execution of a contract with CEC Facilities Group, LLC as the secondary vendor.

Bid Tab