Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:January 24, 2017

Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Change the Zoning from Shopping Center to a Planned Development for Townhome Residential, and Adopt Development Regulations, a Concept Plan, Hardscape Plan, and Building Elevations for 10.839± Acres Generally Located South of Stacy Road and East of Greenville Avenue. [Stacy Villas - Townhome Development]


Madhuri Mohan, Senior Planner


October, 2003 - General Development Plan Approved
November, 2003 - Preliminary Plat Approved
August, 2009 - Revised Preliminary Plat Approved
July, 2011 - Revised Preliminary Plat Approved
December, 2014 - Revised General Development Plan Approved


On December 6, 2016, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 in favor (Commissioners Trahan, Hollingsworth, Platt Jr., and Ogrizovich) and 0 opposed to table the request.

On January 3, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 7 in favor (Commissioners Cocking, Trahan, Hollingsworth, Platt Jr., Mangrum, Orr, and Ogrizovich) and 0 opposed to recommend approval of the request, along with three items of revision: that Lots 8 and 9, Block A, have opaque windows on the second floor of the south facing side; to use the revised Concept Plan that was provided by the applicant; and for staff to work with the developer regarding the potential fire lane reconfiguration.


Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Change the Zoning from Shopping Center to a Planned Development for Townhome Residential, and Adopt Development Regulations, a Concept Plan, Hardscape Plan, and Building Elevations for 10.839± Acres Generally Located South of Stacy Road and East of Greenville Avenue. [Stacy Villas - Townhome Development]


The property is generally located south of Stacy Road and east of Greenville Avenue. The property to the north is zoned Shopping Center SC, and further north (across Stacy Road), is the Town of Fairview. The properties to the east are zoned Community Facilities CF and Single-Family Residential R-7. To the south, the property is zoned Single-Family Residential R-7. The properties to the west are zoned Shopping Center SC, and further west (across Greenville Avenue), zoned Shopping Center SC and Single-Family Residential R-5.

The property is currently zoned Shopping Center SC. The applicant is requesting to change the zoning by creating a Planned Development for a townhome development, and adopting Development Regulations, a Concept Plan, Hardscape Plan, and Building Elevations for the property.

The proposed residential development is approximately 10.839± acres. The Concept Plan shows a total of eighty-eight (88) residential lots and six (6) HOA lots. All lots have a minimum lot size of 25'X90' (2,250 square feet) and will be front-entry with a minimum dwelling unit area of 1,300 square feet. The gross lot density equates to 8.11 units/acre.

Of the six HOA lots, four (4) are open space lots. Open Space provided exceeds ALDC standards. Pedestrian walkways with seating areas are provided throughout the open space areas. Two 3" caliper shade trees are required for each dwelling unit. A minimum of one tree will be planted on each dwelling unit, and the remaining shade tree will be planted either on the lot with the dwelling unit or within the open space areas of the property.

There are two (2) primary access points into the development; one on Greenville Avenue, and one on Stacy Road through an Access, Utility, and Firelane Easement. Parking within the development will be provided through parking in the garage, driveway, and designated head-in parking areas. Parking along internal roadways is prohibited, and will be marked by curb striping indicating "No Parking."

The Hardscape Plan shows the screening for the property. Perimeter screening consists of an existing eight foot (8') masonry (brick) screening wall on the southern and eastern portions of the property adjacent to the single-family development. An eight foot (8') masonry (brick) screening wall will also be constructed along the northern and western portions of the property adjacent to the commercial lots. An eight foot (8') ornamental metal fencing section is also proposed on the southwestern side of the development adjacent to the commercial lot. Screening on the western side of the development (and a small portion on the northern side of the development) will include an eight foot (8') masonry (stone) wall. Interior screening will consist of six foot (6') ornamental metal fencing.

Primary building materials, shown on the three types of building elevations are brick and stone with composition shingle roofing. Each of the three elevation types will be used on at least four (out of the 18) buildings in the development. Garage doors and driveways will be enhanced and treated. The maximum building height will be 2 ½ stories or 39'. Any windows on the second floor of the side elevations of Lots 8-9, Block A, and the rear elevations of Lots 24-29, Block A, will be opaque glass/privacy windows.

The development regulations include design standards to establish the Planned Development, including lot design criteria, garage setback, building height, screening, a no parking provision, and a tree planting regulation.

The request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.

On December 6, 2016, the Planning and Zoning Commission tabled the request.

Since the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on December 6, the applicant has reached out to the surrounding residents and modified the Concept Plan.

On January 3, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request, with the following recommendations: that Lots 8 and 9, Block A, have opaque windows on the second floor of the south facing side; to use the revised Concept Plan that was provided by the applicant; and for staff to work with the developer regarding the potential fire lane reconfiguration. The applicant has addressed all of these requests.

Public Hearing Sign - November 23, 2016
Public Hearing Notices - November 23, 2016 and December 21, 2016
Newspaper Notice - January 5, 2017


Staff recommends approval.


I make a motion to Adopt Ordinance No. ________________ to change the zoning from Shopping Center to a Planned Development for Townhome Residential, and adopt Development Regulations, a Concept Plan, Hardscape Plan, and Building Elevations for 10.839± acres generally located south of Stacy Road and east of Greenville Avenue, for Stacy Villas.

Property Notification Map
Draft Minutes from the December 6, 2016 P&Z Meeting
Draft Minutes from the January 3, 2017 P&Z Meeting