Item Coversheet

AGENDA DATE:September 13, 2016

Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 55 and Adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a 3.21± Acre Portion of Lot 2, Block A, Millennium Office Park Generally Located on the Northwest Corner of Central Park Avenue and Bethany Drive. [Millennium Office Park Lot 2:  Office Building, Restaurant & Parking Garage]


Ogden "Bo" Bass, Director of Community Development


PD Created - October, 1998

Replat Approved - July, 1998

Replat Approved - April 1999

Replat Approved - June 2006

PD Amendment - December, 2015


On September 6, 2016, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 in favor (Commissioners Cocking, Trahan, Platt Jr., and Hollingsworth) and 0 opposed to recommend approval of the request to amend the development regulations of Planned Development No. 55 and adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations relating to a 3.21± acre portion of Lot 2, Block A, Millennium Office Park; generally located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Central Park Avenue and Bethany Drive.


Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 55 and Adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a 3.21± Acre Portion of Lot 2, Block A, Millennium Office Park Generally Located on the Northwest Corner of Central Park Avenue and Bethany Drive. [Millennium Office Park Lot 2:  Office Building, Restaurant & Parking Garage]


The property is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Central Park Avenue (now Watters Creek Boulevard) and Bethany Drive. The properties to the west, north, and east (across Watters Creek Boulevard) are zoned Planned Development No. 55 Commercial/Office. The property to the south (across Bethany drive) is zoned Planned Development No. 99 Mixed Use.


The entire property is currently platted as Lot 2, Block A of the Millennium Office Park subdivision and referred to as Tract 10B in the original zoning ordinance. The purpose of the request is to amend the development regulations of a 3.21± acre portion of Lot 2, and adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations.


The Concept Plan shows the proposed development on Lot 2R-6 and 2R-7. The Concept Plan shows three main structures: a proposed office building with a restaurant use component (Building A), a freestanding restaurant building (Building B), and a structured parking garage. Building A is a five (5) story building with 115,000 square feet for an office use and 10,000 square feet for a restaurant use, totaling approximately 125,000 square feet. Building B is a one (1) story building at approximately 2,636 square feet for a free-standing restaurant. The parking garage is a four (4) story structure at approximately 223,636 square feet. Twenty-six surface parking spaces are provided (on Lot 2R-6), and a total of 570 spaces are provided in the parking garage. Parking provided exceeds ALDC requirements.


There are two (2) primary access points into the development. One (1) on the east located on Watters Creek Boulevard, and one (1) through a firelane, access, and utility easement off Watters Road on the west. An access point is also provided between Lots 2R-6 and 2R-7. Traffic improvements include the provision for the common access/firelane easement for future access on Lot 2R-8. Additionally, the Watters Creek Boulevard western curb will be relocated to the east in order to provide for a larger parkway between the proposed building and the western curbline of Watters Creek Boulevard.


A six foot (6') sidewalk will be constructed along Watters Creek Boulevard, and an eight foot (8') sidewalk will be constructed along Bethany Drive for pedestrian access.


The building elevations show the five (5) story office/restaurant building, one (1) story freestanding restaurant building, and the four (4) level parking garage. The maximum height of the buildings is 88 feet.  The exterior building materials include composite metal panel and glass.


The development regulations include modified building height and floor area ratio requirements for this property to offer maximum flexibility for future development additional permitted uses, setbacks, screening, traffic improvements, and language about sharing the parking garage.


The request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.


On September 6, 2016, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request.




Public Hearing Sign - August 26, 2016

Public Hearing Notices - August 26, 2016

Newspaper Notice - August 25, 2016


Staff recommends approval of the request.


I make a motion to Adopt Ordinance No. ________________ amending the Development Regulations of Planned Development No. 55 and Adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a 3.21± acre portion of Lot 2, Block A, Millennium Office Park Generally Located on the Northwest Corner of Central Park Avenue and Bethany Drive.

Property Notification Map
Draft Minutes from the September 6, 2016 P&Z Meeting