Engineering and traffic investigations were completed by the Engineering Department for the following segments of roadways. The recommended speed limits are based on investigations made by the Assistant Director of Engineering, who serves as the Traffic Manager.
Ridgeview Drive
Ridgeview Drive was recently constructed to provide access between Alma Drive and Stacy Road. Therefore, a continuous roadway now exists between Custer Road and Watters Road. The current prima facie speed limit between Custer Road and Alma Drive is 45 miles/hour (mph) and will remain unchanged. However, the existing speed limit between Stacy Road and Watters Road is 40 miles/hour (mph) since the previous condition was segmented and a direct connection did not exist between Alma Drive and Stacy Road.
Staff now recommends a speed limit of 45 mph between Alma Drive and Watters Road with the exception that the speed limit remain 40 mph along the two lane undivided portion just east of Alma Drive. In the future, when the other two lanes are constructed within this area, the speed limit is expected to be revised to 45 mph throughout.
Due to the proposed 40 mph segment along the two lane undivided section of Ridgeview, staff will install fluorescent "NEW" placards above the 40 mph speed limit signs to enhance visibility of the 40 mph speed limit signs. In addition, warning signs will be posted in advance of the speed limit reduction to warn drivers of the lower speed limit.
Curtis Lane
Curtis Lane was recently constructed to provide access between Stockton Drive and US 75. Therefore, a continuous roadway now exists between Stacy Road and US 75. Without a specific limit identified by ordinance and posted along the roadway, the current prima facie speed limit between Stacy Road and Stockton Drive is 30 miles/hour (mph).
Staff recommends a speed limit of 35 mph for Curtis Lane between Stacy Road and US 75 for this new roadway extension.
Stockton Drive
Stockton Drive was recently constructed to extend access to Bossy Boots Drive. Therefore, a continuous roadway now exists between Bossy Boots Drive and Curtis Lane. Without a specific limit identified by ordinance and posted along the roadway, the current prima facie speed limit is 30 miles/hour (mph).
Staff recommends a speed limit of 35 mph for Stockton Drive between Bossy Boots Drive and Curtis Lane.